LN No. 8 Jointer Plane   
LN No. 2 Smoother   
LN No 40B Butt Mortise Plane    
LN No 100 Model Maker's Squirrel Tail
LN Drawbore Pin Pair
LN 6" Steel Rule
LN Dowel Plate
Tite-Mark Long   extensions and heads

page index:

adhesives and glues


biscuit joiner    

cabinet making and drawers

consider buying


clamps and workholding new page  

drill press    

dust collector

finishing   [sub page]


forums and websites      [sub page]

flattening & straightness    

frames for pictures and panels 

french cleats  



hollow chisel mortiser

jaw horse and workmate

jigs new page


joints - box joints  
joints - dovetail    
joints - edge    
joints - kerfmaker2 
joints - miters
joints - mortise and tenon     



lumber sellers




miter saw

planes  and floats  [sub page]




router bits   [sub page]

router extensions

rust and solvents  





sharpening [sub page]

species id

steel wool

stock preparation    

table saw    [sub page]

technical data

torsion box

track saw


vacuum hose sizes



woodworkingmagazineindex.com index signed up 2024-07-001


end page index:

as of 2022-02-20, most of my woodworking links are still on the hobbies page

Matt Estelea youtube playlists - this is the guy who used to work for Axminster
      hand cut dovetails and another from 2020 that is nearly 3 hours long
      hand cut mitered dovetails    
      Fixing Massive Gaps in Dovetails 9:50

      1 cutting and orienting timber
      2 squaring timber by hand
      3 thicknessing wood by hand
      4 gluing and flattening panels

Herzog Veneers in NC

Popular Woodworking issues 1 (1981) through 204 (2013) on archive.org -
I have PDFs for 1-39 (1981-05 to 1987-10) and 82-206 (1995-01 to 2013-10) and 212-238 (2014-08 to 2018-04) and most but not all to 2023

Popular Woodworking index by column at archive.org

Popular Woodworking by author at archive.org as of 2015-09-06
as of 2019-03-31 (last one listed at archive.org)
David Charlesworth:

Popular Woodworking online extras & corrections 2007 and earlier

Amazon woodworking magazines    Magazine Subscriptions ->Crafts & Hobbies->Woodworking     probably more expensive than directly from publisher

Adhesives and Glues

Shop-proven Solutions for Gluing and clamping from Wood mag

2024-12 Great Glue-Ups, Guaranteed   FWW 0234 pdfp44 see also "gear for glue-ups" on pdpf22

Gluing & Truing Large Panels    wood mag

glue-up cauls from unistrut   (local .pdf)

Am. Woodworker 2003-01 pdfp 21 Fibral abrasive wool by sia Abrasives - no longer available as of 2024-08?

FWW 0240 pdp70 use System Three Resin G-2 epoxy to strengthen screw holes with details including using actual screw with cut from file to use as tap

use gel epoxy to repair screw holes   .jpg
let dry and drill out, or insert screw while still wet for permanent (can coat screw in oil to make removeable)

glue bottle upside down so no skin .jpg

Using Waxilit or any other silicone free paste wax before glueup to prevent squeeze out from sticking FWW 0232 pdfp 34

gluing tenons fww 0198 pdfp88 trick is to prevent it by inserting it 75% then stop and wipe off big glue wave

before using acid brushes to spread glue, hammer the ferrule, then trim bristles FWW 0234 pdfp23

getting CA glue into cracks with "ruling pen" = tweezers with thumbscrew pww nov 2006 pdfp14 p26
wipe with acetone afterwards

glue relief kerf PWW 260 pdfp12

FWW 264 p54 gluing thin panels

FWW 0223 p10 Heinigers glue for shearing sheep is another low tack option for putting discs on disc sander if feathering glue doesn't work well


bandsaw dovetails - woodsmith 66 p 12

FWW 0176 pdfp29 Laguna selling ceramic guides for other brands of saws

Better Bandsaw Blade Tensioner - uses wheel like on tablesaw height adjustment

resawing tips FWW 0253 p54

resawing PWW    "Make Drift a Myth" using ball bearing guide   (local .pdf)

Coiling a bandsaw from Wood 191 p.18-19    (local .pdf only the 2 pages)

setup and tuning video recommended on NE Ohio woodworker's group

dust collection port location taking into account air current from wheel FWW 0221 pdfp81

more on dust collection from woodsmith   (local .png)

Ittura Design has upgraded heavy duty springs and a reasonably priced tension gauge
no website, I found contact info in this sawmillcreek.org thread  and called 2022-04. Catalog is $9, if I send measurements they find a spring from a non-G1012 that fits
Iturra Design, Louis Iturra
904-642-2802 • Work
4636 Fulton Road, Jacksonville, Fl 32225-1332

home made tensioner by teneyck on sawmillcreek

a cheaper option is the $80 Monarch TG1000 FWW 0262 pdfp23

resawing pww June 2002 pdfp47
resawing FWW 0189 pdfp39 p39

fww article on blade tensioning from The Bandsaw Book p92-97 (local .pdf)

Magnetic Single Point Resaw Fence PWW 2005-10 p20 pdfp10

Make Drift a Myth resawing   PWW 2006-08 p66 pdfp59

measure blade tension with feeler gauge FWW 0147 pdfp80

measure blade tension with calipers clamped to blade FWW 0812 pdfp16

auxiliary tables and fence   Shopnotes 120 pdfp6

bandsaw and bandsaw blade tuning video for the super fussy   

Biscuit Joiner

this Family Handyman article claims
use #20 for 1/2" to 3/4" thick material
both #10 and #0 will work for 3/8" thick material

AMWW 1995-Oct pdfp122 Miter biscuit joint jig

AMWW 2003 Mar pdpf10   angled biscuit cutting jig similar to donkey's ear for biscuits in bevel such as when using biscuits to build carcase / cabinet / box

fww 0204 pdpf36 Illustrated Guide to Doors
for biscuits: best used on rails at least 3" wide with 2 biscuits in thickness and use glued in plywood panel

AMWW Dec 2010 mid-field biscuit joint (simple t square like clamp on aligment jig)  [2025-01-29 no idea what this means; this is the wrong location; likley not pww nor fwweither though i searched those for the other topic having this incorrect issue listed and not this one.]

AMWW Winter 2011 pdfp60 12 Tips for better biscuit jointing
I think this is the same article reprinted from AMWW 2005 - May p62

biscuit joiner jig fww 0227 pdfp53

Similar Wood design with downloadable plan pdf  "Accurate-Alignment Biscuit-Joiner"   (local .pdf)

12 ways to get the best from your biscuit joiner - WOOD Magazine   (local .pdf)

Wood magazine biscuit joiner landing page

tips and techniques, mostly for building cabinets     Am Woodworker 2003-01 pdfp 27
aligning shelves to case sides = tip 6 on pdfp31
use 2x4 backer when making cut into side of plywood near edge (e.g. when making a case)
tip 11 pdfp33 when used for aligning, make sure to register fence off top workpiece surface (not allowing bottom of tool to touch bench surface) with board overhanging bench

Am Woodworker 2007-01 pdfp 9    avoiding pucker
leave at least 1/4" material between biscuit and face; in 3/4" material can stack close together in center
wait >=2 days before sanding
when used for aligning, apply glue only to the surfaces to be joined (not the biscuits)
       Am Woodworker 2003-01 pdfp 29    "...This speeds your glue up. After all, the biscuits are for alignment only; the joint will be plenty strong without them."

small jigs to layout biscuits    1     2   

jig for biscuit joiner for cabinet sides & other large pieces shopnotes 93 pdfp7

small jig to make postioning biscuits in frame corner easier

FWW 0227 pdfp52 jig to anchor the tool not the workpiece for surprising precision suitable for fine furniture - 2024-09 MAKE THIS

wait 24 hours before sanding a panel glued up with biscuits because the glue causes swelling that later shrinks back down. sanding while swelled will leave a divot when dry FWW 0222 pdp86

"A New Manual for Biscuit Joiners" [note not Jointers] in Popular Woodworking Feb 2007    pdfp51 p74
biscuit jointers article with techniques and explanation of how it got its name = 1950 Lamello

PWW June 2001 "biscuit joinery basics" pdfp24 p34    

"Biscuits: Fast, Cheap and Good" PWW June 2004 p90 pdfp75

PWW June 2001 pdfpp18 p28 "Biscuit Joiner shootout" compares 10 models of the day
PWW Feb 2000 pdfp35 p42 brief biscuit joiner comparison
PWW Oct 2002 pdfp36 p50 brief biscuit joiner comparison


Chisel Sharpening [subpage]

FWW 0176 pdfp 98 why is my mortise chisel twisting

PWW on Resurrecting chisels

FWW 0176 pdfp27 review of then new (March 2005) Lie-Nielsen chisels
patterned after vintage Stanley No. 750 socket chisels

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Chisels by Chris Schwarz (local .pdf)
mentions London-pattern dovetails - more info on them here and here

advanced chisel techniques with Chris Schwarz "June 2005.pdf" pdfp82

modify an old chisel into a dovetail chisel FWW0299 pdfp13

The hand-cut mortise and tenon FWW 0266 pdfp24

this Veritas rack looks handy and easy to make

Lie-Nielsen chisels review PWW 2004-12 pdfp40 p64
and another PWW 2005-06 pdfp44 p56

Lie-Nielsen chisels review PWW 2004-08 pdfp15 p24 "best in the western world"; based on Stanley 750 socket chisels (1930-69)

Bevel Chisels
long handle


PWW Feb 2002 pdfp70 making your own chisel handles


Resurrecting Chisels PWW 2005-02 pdfp56 p74
waterstones: 4000 grit and above are considered "finishing stones"; all non-finishing stones should be soaked for 10 minutes before use, it is OK to store them in water


Paul Sellers video on making a joiners mallet with hand tools part 1   
31:15 using outer quarter of chisel to quickly remove wood by going across the grain at a 45 degree angle

Advanced Chisel Techniques PWW 2005-06 p82 pdfp68

get a grip on you chisels Woodsmith 151 p30

using the discontinued Lie-Nielsen drawer lock chisels video for making mortise for bolt of keyed lock in something like jewelry box after box is made


Removing Cheaper Chisels Urethane / Laquer-like coating

post 1 specifically mentions stanley
nail polish remover containing acetone and steel wool was a lot of work
Any lacquer thinner
stripper formulated to break urethane with handles removed
100% acetone works well, all others don't
lacquer thinner soak for 1 hour and scrape
acetone but will eat plastic, rinse with water after
If the coating is left in place, it clogs stones when the backs are flattened. used stipper that removes urethanes
"Kleen Again", a product I use to clean my spray guns. I use a lot of catalizing finishes, which resist acetone and lacquer thinner once cured. The Stanley coating reminds me a lot of dried ML Campbell Ultrastar or General Finishes EnduroVar

post 2 specifically mentions two cherries
Soak the chisel (Not the wood handle) in lacquer thinner overnite. A tight bottle works good with something around the top to prevent evaporation.
acetone for about 2 hours
another lacqer thinner vote

post 3
I thought mineral spirits 
Meths / Denatured Alcohol
White spirit worked instantly on mine (Kirschen).
Lee Valley recommends mineral spirits. I’ve also used acetone.
Lacquer thinner on a 0000 (“four ought”) steel wool pad.
 tried (after lacquer thinner didn’t work) is a product called “Goof-off". for ink, lacquer, and even epoxies nothing works better [this is the one that eats plastic]
goof-off similar to product called Oops. It’s mainly promoted for removing latex paint



Drill Press

good video on hand grinding new edge on drill bit

PWW using trailer jack to raise table

AmWW Jan 2013 pdfp11 simple technique to drill through hole on odd shaped workpiece

drill press files for Big Mike

Am Woodworker 2007-01 pdfp 48   
tip 3 tip I use for squaring drill press table
tip 4 find the center of workpiece by dimpling with bit then turn end for end
tip 5 evenly spaced holes with flip stops on dowel
tip 9 use drill bit as depth stop setter
tip 11 angled ramp rather than tilt table

Wood Aug 1986 012.pdf p86 table counterweight system

PWW Feb 2006 p10 regrinding twist drill bits for plastics and soft metals

PWW Feb 2009 p11 platform for drilling small pieces

this Veritas bit holder that clamps to the column would be handy to make

2023-11-13 Popular Woodworking on choosing drill bits for metal projects   

mounting a sliding cross vise to woodworking drill press table [Popular Woodworking Nov 2005] pdfp12 p26

Modify drill bits for plastic and soft metals [Popular Woodworking Feb 2006] pdfp10

PWW June 2007 pdfp11 for quick and easy drilling into end of workpiece - keep it vertical to clamping a metal shelf bracket to the table and the workpiece on the upright

somewhat elaaborate jig to determine if table is normal to chuck, same idea as bending wire

Table designs - see also .xlsx type = "#drill_press"

ShopNotes 018 THIS IS THE ONE I MADE ~2000
ShopNotes 57 p10 Drill press table
ShopNotes 65 p6 Adjustible V-Block Drill Press Table
Wood 156 p52 Feature Packed drill press table
ShopNotes 74 Extendable Drill Press Table

Woodsmith 271 [incorrect issue listed] p5 i-beam drill press table online    (local .pdf)

PWW 2004-10 pdfp43 Adding a sliding cross table vise and modifying the sliding cross table handle locations


Auxiliary Table FWW.Tune.up.tools.pdf

https://www.popularwoodworking.com/projects/a-better-table-for-a-drill-press-2/         (local landscape .pdf    local portrait .pdf )

PWW online with diagonal slot for hold down    (local .pdf)

PWW online cached "precision table" using Incra bulk positioner    (local .pdf     landscape local .pdf)

end Tables


dust collector for sanding on drill press

router jig for drilling shelf holes FWW 0234 pdfp16 uses guide busing and groove in jig

Wood 291 p21 has tip for using drill to raise table, but it uses $70 Extendo Nut driver

Dust Collector

magnetic connectors at machine  

AMWW Nov 2012 pdp12 use a washing machine lint trap to not suck up screws, etc.

PWW Making two different hose diameters work together    (local .pdf)

Several tips from Wood Magazine including
belt sander
custom adapter for stationary tools p1 p2
custom adapter for handheld tools


Lie-Nielsen 1" push cheek float - flat handle, straight metal portion

Lie-Nielsen 1" face float - octagonal handle, cranked I think. i think also push


See "Lie Nielsen Catalog 2010.pdf" pdfp 37 for a description of the different types


Forums and websites

PWW online techniques       Chris Schwarz articles      archives for a particular month (e.g. 2021-06)

as of 2022-02-20, most of my woodworking links are still on the hobbies page

Local list of videos for youtube channels of interest to me

sawmillcreek.org    classifieds   

lumber jocks  acct is RickBambauer;  had a lot of trouble messaging until i made a profile post    classifieds

woodbarter      classifieds

woodtalkonline     classifieds

Woodworker's Heaven forums (cro-wood)   

routerforums.com        classifieds

woodnet.net forums    classifieds

woodworking at stackexchange   

highland woodworking videos archive

inthewoodshop.com Derek Cohen from Perth's site

Fine Woodworking Knots forum   

WoodTalk Forum

interface to rec.woodworking   

old woodworking machines.org

sketchup Popular Woodworking Files

Highland Woodworker video episodes    and blog    Highland Harware Tips   

Fine Woodworking searchable index   index of all fine woodworking article titles (and some American Woodworker and Popular Woodworking)



huge selection of tools at www.toolsource.com     


sommerfeldtools router and cabinet making

forums and magazine previously on hobbies page

Shopnotes Magazine
Wood Magazine
Woodworker's Website Association
Northeast Ohio Woodworkers Guild - Resources
forums with magazine and video downloads

Woodworker's Institute
Home made tools

Google Books American Woodworker issues 1-77 (Jan 1989 - Dec 1999)
Google Books magazines

Woodworking Web

Wood archivist

Family Handyman

interesting pintrest page 2

family woodworking

Journal of Light Construciton

Woodworker's Guild of America

Front Range Woodturners = Denver chapter of American Association of Woodturners [has good library, consider joining];  Brecksville chapter;   Akron chapter

Robert Lang website


Woodworker's Journal youtube

The Thoughtful Woodworker has good tutorials on Craftsman style and Mission furniture

Flattening & Straightness

Paul Sellers on determining straightness using a string with 3 equally thick spacers
same technique with tips on tying second end and making taught at 1:45
video on how to make line taught by spinning a loop ~6 times then pulling tag end back towards other end
      doesn't seem to work: quick video showing wrapping around nail then covering wraps
longer video from Essential Craftsman    1:37 attach new string to nail    1:55 if used, non-slipery line use lark's head

the 3 surface method is known as Whitworth's three plates method
wikipedia page   
    reference 1 f rom ericweinhoffer.com archive.org page   local.pdf
       Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy by Wayne R. Moore link    archive.org page    local .pdf      see p. 143
       build up precise structures link    youtube video
       Tom Lipton video link calibrating and flattening a granite surface plate   youtube video
       Tom Lipton video series on flat lapping plates    youtube video
       most of what I know link    archive.org .pdf page     local.pdf

making a shopmade test bar (with level screws rather than entire bar) that can be used to level jointer tables everything "fine woodworking 0142.pdf" pdfp41

perfectly straight lines can be drawn using the Peaucellier–Lipkin linkage (planer) or the earler Sarrus linkage (3d)

Frames for pictures & panels

Fine Woodworkingvideo series: cool jig for picture frames     and .pdf     local

FWW FWW 0218 pdfp54 "Frame-and-Panel Doors Made Easier"

FWW 0176 pdfp68 "All about picture frames"

FWW 07-08/2018 0269.pdf pdfp 52     panel door with veneer and stringing inlay

making veneered panels shopnotes 113 pdfp43

American Woodworker "October, 1998.pdf" pdfp70

American Woodworker 6/13 p 64 bookmatched veneer panel

2024-07-27 this image, not sure what issue it came from

Fww 264 p82 how to frame a picture
same issue p 66 how to build a perfect frame

Find the length of any picture frame molding FWW275 p14

French Cleats

2024-11 these notes show that some of the cleats have 6 1/8" for cleat and 3" gap, thus the cleats are 3 1/8"
to make them easier to lay out, in the basement I started planing the cleat to 3" wide

woodsmith 234 pdfp 8    door setting jig that would be good for french cleats too

Family Handyman    French Cleat Tool Holder Building Tips    best tip is #7 : for double cleated, hang by top fixture cleat with bottom fixture cleat already against wall and screw into it

French cleats from Popular Mechanics     5" strip; I set to fence at 2 1/2 when cutting 45 to bias one side larger; i spaced them with 3" gaps, then learned with 3/4" material on top they were too snug to fit
this Family Handyman article suggests 4" strip for wall cleat, then 45" bevel but leave a flat; similar for accessory cleats but rip them to 2 1/2" at start; 3 1/2" gap between using 2x4 spacers

Matthias Wandel Not a french cleat system for organizing hand tools     and his tool holders

Making a French Cleat _ Paul Sellers

screw driver and other holders pic     and another

French Cleat Ideas SUB PAGE with tool holder images



fww 0198 p62 sharpening on a grinder including shaping for camber

Making simple wooden jigs to accurately set tool rest angle    April_2009_PW pdp52

pww 2005 Oct pdfp12 using a heat sync from old computer to quench rather than water

Use a stop collar when dressing with diamond point FWW 0189 pdfp16

ShopNotes 130 p6 the jig i am going to build with 2 thumbscrews

American Woodworker January, 2006.pdf pdfp12
for soft white wheels, easiest to dress with diamond plated bar
for hard gray wheel, use star dresser (which would eat away soft white wheel too fast)


shorten a bolt - use a nut as a guide PW Apr 2007 pdfp13






Hollow Chisel Mortiser

article magazine date issue pg  
screeching noise fix fww   0219 89
install with dime between chisel and mortiser
adjusting a hollow chisel mortiser fence popular woodworking 2006-10   16  
sharpen hollow chisel mortiser fine woodworking 2006-07 185 56 FWW 0185 pdfp56 p56 - tips for setup, use, sharpening
tune up & sharpen hollow chisel mortiser fine woodworking 2006-07 185 56 video
mortiser table shopnotes   100 30
mortiser review with tips american woodworker 2001-11   69 2001 tool buyers guide
…\tool buyers guide including performance tips\...
mortiser review with tips american woodworker 1998-02 64   …mortiser\american woodworker review\...
screen captures from google books
there is another review in #81 August 2000 that I don't have access to but was mentioned in 2002 buyers guide
mortiser tips shopnotes   120 38  
a new manual for mortisers popular woodworking Aug-01   29 tips and tricks; Feb 2002 p10 has additional tip in reader's letter
Adding a sliding cross table vise workpiece holder and modifying the sliding cross table handle locations popular woodworking Oct-04   61 pdfp 43
adjusting chisel square to fence with ruler and magnets popular woodworking Oct 2006   9 p16
using a dime to set correct spacing between bit and chisel fine woodworking   0219 89 install chisel with dime between chisel and mortiser
use wood scrap as pad to push bit up until seated against chisel and tighten bit
loosen chisel, push it up and tighten it
check that chisel is square to fence
square chisel fww   227 15 square chisel by clamping straight edge to it and using it like a winding stick comparing to fence
Benchtop mortisers review including my Wood River maybe (model 151223) fww   0241 48 The Wood River model got the Best Value

Jaw Horse & Workmate


model height no legs (mm) height with legs (mm)      
550 (horizontal table) 610 800      
200 (no legs at all) 590        
79-001 600        




Jointer Tolerances and Setup Techniques

ShopNotes 98 pdfp53 jigs for providing jointer like functionality on a planer for flattening a face and squaring an edge

American Woodworker 2007-01   tip 8 routing both edges at the same time against a straight edge for long boards

pdfp 10 jointing with router and aluminum angle very similar to one I made

Bob Vaughan method FWW 0103 pdfp 86
companion video on youtube
and another that has both the jointer and planer method from 0107

FWW 0246 p15 bed extensions to make jointing long pieces easier

for FWW magnetic jig to set knives, see many screen capture images in C:\RB\user guides\tools\woodworking\jointer\FWW jointer knife setting
original video here

FWW 2012 8 227 14 Methods of Work Align a jointer's outfeed table in seconds

the woodwhisperer as this article and the associated video   see about 32:00 for Oneway Multi Gauge
he recommends the Oneway Multi Gauge

woodcentral article on setting knives that specifically mentions sears model where outfeed can't be adjusted

search hdd for "FWW knife setting" for screen captures of video to build jig to hold knives at outfeed table height

adjusting sagging infeed table FWW 0219 pdfp88

Fine woodworking article on jointer tuneup     everything "fine woodworking 0142.pdf" pdfp. 38
p41 technique of using three bars to get them flat

Precision Edge-jointing by Hand (with a long plane) PWW 2004-02 p92 pdfp72

Get the Most from your Jointer FWW 0186 pdfp74 p74

Curing Tapering PWW Jun 2007 pdfp6 p12 solution is to either lower height of outfeed table slightly or move hand pressure to outfeed table as soon as possilble.

preparing lumber (jointing and thicknessing) PWW nov 2006 pdfp53 p70

fixing a curved result FWW 0188 pdfp108

wood magazine: Make your router think it's a jointer with non-split fence and plastic laminate shim
FWW video on same topic but split fence that adjusts away from bit too

Master the Jointer FWW 0239 pdfp42

AskWoodman video on installing jointer knives    

25 min Fine Woodworking video on setting jointer knives with dial indicator

5 minute video from another guy using dial indicator and jointer buddy (see jigs section below)
Gradually tighten the gib bolts in this order: Start with the far bolt, as shown, then the near bolt, then the far inside bolt, and finally, the near inside bolt.
This is so the knife won't creep upward and need readjusting.

easy to make homemade jointer buddy    

make your own jointer buddy 

fww 224 46 sharpen jointed knives in place


MODEL 113.206931
SERIAL 4305.P0077


Freud C400 found on Amazon (ASIN B00004RK6T $32.59) are the nominal correct size of 6 1/8" x 11/16" x 1/8" but they may be too thick. Oddly, they aren't listed on the mfg page.

FOXBC sells these knives (for $18.99 no tax or shipping) which list 40 deg primary bevel and 45 deg secondary bevel but no mention of type of steel. They are in China but do take Paypal
Length -  6-1/8"
Width -  0.673"
Thickness -  0.123" (nominal 1/8")

These Xcalibur Tooling knives on Amazon for $23.93 and free shipping list "...HSS 18% Tungsten and hardened to 61-63 HRc..." I bought them 2023-08-24.

These JTEX knives on Amazon for $16.99 and free Prime delivery list my model number but no mention of the steel. I bought a set of them 2023-08-24 as well.


The Powertec store on Amazon has 6 1/8" knives for Craftsman Jointers, but none list my model number.




joints - box joints  
joints - dovetail    
joints - edge    
joints - kerfmaker2 
joints - miters
joints - mortise and tenon     

   PWW 2005-08 pdfp71

2025-01-29 AMWW 2001 Jan "2 ways to cut a 3-way miter"

Paul Sellers article on Knifewalls (he coined the term but not the technique) and his trusty Stanley Folding Pocket knife #0-10-598 UK version
this is 2023-12 article and he wrote about them much earlier as I have had my knife for a year or two probably

starting in Japanse Joinery FWW 0278 p56 with this scarf joint to join endgrain

Matt Estlea youtube video on practice joint project playlist  
downloaded materials at C:\RB\misc\rbwebsite\woodworking\joints\matt_estlea_joint_practice

Popular Woodworking April 2009 sprung edge joints that David Charlesworth is a fan of

Precision Edge-jointing by Hand (with a long plane) PWW 2004-02 p92 pdfp72

drawer-lock joint PWW 2004-08 pdfp17 p26 (already have this entry on bits page)

Frank Klausz's Final Word on Dovetails "stop measuring and simply learn how to saw straight" PWW 2005-10 p46 pdfp28

Box Joints PWW 2005-06 p28

Battens to keep table tops flat rather than breadboard ends PWW 2006-08 pdfp16 p23

paring jig for chiseling dovetails PWW 2006-08 p16

making legs with all 4 sides quartersawn PWW 2006-04 pdfp29 p40

Miter Joint for Casework #lock FWW 0190 pdfp63 p63

Kumiko Japanese panels fit together with no glue PWW 267 p38

Variable spaced dovetails by jig PW Dec 2007 pdfp51

technique for routing splines of mitered spline joint PWW June 2007 pdfp20

castle joint is round leg with half lap apron cut into it video

hidden groove joint    Shopnotes 120 pdfp46

rivet joint is just screws filed down, sometimes see on antique furniture from West Indies

joints - box joints

FWW 0242 pdf14 simple clamping pads for assembly box joints, though it doesn't take into account pins

pww 252 p8 clamping box joint with band clamp and dowels to account for pin heights

Incra iBox DVD on youtube

AmWW Jan 2013 pdp19 Incra box joint jig review

in this video, he cuts off top for the lid with blade centered over joint edge, so two pins are a little smaller rather than one pin being significantly smaller
he also hides gaps in fingers by putting on polyurethane, then sanding to make slurry. He thinks it works better than wood glue with sawdust

box joint box lid ideas - i think japanese toolbox style is legit choice though not exactly mentioned someone does bring up concept of tipping lid

FWW 0221 pdfp16 use popsicle sicks between fingers before putting down clamping caul

at some point in the past, I wrote a note (probably after watching a youtube video) that ideal material thickness are
5/8 or 9/16 for boxes that will have a lid
3/8 or 7/16 for boxes that will not have a lid

thread on using calipers to reduce number of test cuts needed
use calipers to measure a pin and a kerf. author claims each tick of the silver knob while red knob is steady moves the guide fingers 0.0015"
author likes pin about 0.004 to 0.006" thinner than kerf

  1. Make one test kerf then a second and measure both kerf and pin
  2. cut off that partially jointed end of the board
  3. make a joint all the way across the board
  4. cut off the joint just created with about 1" of additional solid wood
  5. joint the freshly cut end of the board and test fit it to the product of step 4
  6. use microadjuster to fine tune the fit. if needed at all, it will likely need just one silver knob tick adjustment (so the number of silver knob adjustements and test cuts has been greatly reduced).

June 2005 PWW pdfp 16 - building jig and general boxjoint tips


joints - dovetails

leigh specific

leigh router bits page

old bit selection chart

new bit selection chart
specs on dovetail bits for through dovetails
specs on straight bits for through dovetails

half blind bit selection chart
specs on dovetail bits for half blind dovetails

routing box joints without buying the F3 template
according to this post "you can only make 3/8 and 3/4 box joints with it using the 5/16 bit and the leigh e-bush" [without buying F3] and it points to
https://www.leighjigs.com/d4_howto_box_joints.php   which points to this video

see also "Finger - Box Joints.pdf" for making 1/4" box joints without the F3 template

"technical bulletins and special procedures" user guides


bandsaw dovetails - woodsmith 66 p 12

pww detailed article on hand cutting dovetails    (local .pdf)

fww 0242 pdfp82 compound-angle dovetails

jig to support workpice in dovetail jig     .jpg 1


FWW 0253 p72 avoids butt joint at top of box and hides groove for bottom

dovetail jig support    (local.pdf)

PWW Feb 2005 p60 Your First Hand-Cut Dovetails   

PWW on tablesaw dovetails    (local .pdf)

sawmillcreek thread on cutting perfect dovetails the first time

carcase dovetail joint April_2009_PW pdfp45

4 Ways to Make Dovetailing Easier PWW 2004-12 pdfp8 p16

Sliding Dovetails PWW 2004-12 pdfp16 p30
Sliding Dovetails PWW 2004-08 pdfp40 p49

FWW 0152 2001-11 p56 Tablesawn Dovetails - requires custom angled grind on top to blade teeth
FWW 0238 2014-01 p84 particulars and sources on having the blade reground

FWW 0221 pdfp16 use popsicle sicks between pins before putting down clamping caul

half blind dovetails in half the time. handcut look using machines FWW 0219 pdfp36

variable dovetail spacing when using a jig PWW dec 2007 pdfp52 p73

Power Assisted Dovetails for drawers PWW 2005-08 pdfp65

Half Blind Dovetails by jig [Popular Woodworking Feb 2006] pdfp66 p92

simple jig for hand sawing dovetails FWW 264 pdfp12

hand cut dovetails Woodsmith 100 p24

one of the jigs I have is a Porter cable 4112 type 2
Wood 095 p24 jig for the 5008 that probably applies; keeps boards aligned better; p42 has 9 steps / tips

tapered sliding dovetails

FWW 0248 p39

joints - edge joints

Three ways to make edge joints PW April_2009_PW pdfp31     online version with bigger pictures
1) jointer no spring     2) jointer with spring   3)hand plane with spring

August_2005_PW.pdf  "Learning Curves" David Charlesworth on cambered blades


joints - kerfmaker2

Bridge City's KM-2 video


Bridge City's KM-1 video
0:13 half laps
1:08 simple drawer
2:21 box making & box components - really more like dividers for a drawer or jewelry box
2:51 setting kerf using calipers
3:35 setting kerf using no tools

Bridge City's KM-1 video     
0:10 setting kerf
1:28 half laps

tenon maker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9Ychd--qk
0:48 making a tenon
1:48 bridle joint
1:58 works with mortises 1/8" to 2"

a Radek video in the Bridge City channel so maybe he works there or owns it
2:08 lap joint

video in Radek's own channel on making half laps and setup a slight bit different than mfg video

video showing 0.002 0.003 and 0.004 slop in a joint

"squiggle wood" by alternating kerfs on either side longer video

Inspire Woodcraft video
7:07 just sliding block against blade    
8:01 if a lot of deflection in blade do it this way

video on making jig and using it with rip fence but since I got the ver 2, it already has stop block and magnet so no need for making this
1:20 he shows jig for dial indicator on fence
3:49 using jessem table saw guide as a stop block
15:17 setup and use

version 2 press release     

good video from halfinchshy on kerfmaker uses other than tablesaw

ideal dado depth according to this post is
1/4" in 3/4" plywood
but author thinks lousy plywood he used separated where higher quality material such as baltic birch might not, so his results might not always apply.   
 I think 3/8" would be a good choice too.


joints - Miters

Family Handyman tips on cutting miters
Use Scrap Wood Guides for a Perfect Fit
Miter, Assemble, Then Rout
Make Your Own Corner Clamps
'Lengthen' a Board
Fit One Miter at a Time
Use a Shim to Cut a Back Bevel [carpenter pencil under workpiece at end being cut on miter saw]

shop-made miter vise Shopnotes 094 pdfp36 p 36

3-way miters AmWW Jan 2011 p35

Shop notes volume 94 page 36 shop made miter vise

tighter miters and preassemble casework before installation fine homebuilding isse 314 2023-04 (local .pdf)

American Woodworker 2007-01 pdfp52 tip 10 make tight mitered edging by cutting sides overly wide (1/4") and long, miter, then joint inside edge (effectively lengthening the side) until a perfect fit. width

simple jig using folding wedges for glueup of mitered picture/face frames fww 0178 pdp20

rabbeted corner braces for assembling picture frames Wood 053 = 8/92 pdfp22


joints - mortise and tenon

FWW 231 p 41 Using shoulder plane and block planes to trim tenons

mitered ends for tenons to maximize length PW April_2009_PW pdfp45

FWW 0114 None Router fixture takes on angled tenons pdfp77
post 4 in this thread made it and wrote
"It makes straight and compound angled tenons (which neither the Leigh nor Wood Rat can do), square ended or rounded"

hand cut mortise and tenon fww 266 p24

PWW April 2000 pdfp 29 for a square leg when making mortises on both sides miter the ends of the tenons as shown in this garden bench
would be ideal for a firewood storage box if i decide to go all out

drawbore joints FWW 0191 pdfp38

5 steps for perfect-fitting tenons Woodsmith 151 pdfp 12

FWW 2012 6 226 16 Methods of Work

Where tenons meet, boxjoint fingers add strength;
especially useful when leg is narrow like in stool


general rules for sizes

much simpler size generalizations from wood mag
"make the tenon about 1⁄3 the total thickness of the tenoned workpiece, and about 1⁄2 –2⁄3 as long as the width of the mortised workpiece."

PWW sizing article by Chris Schwarz

Leigh Super FMT

15ish training videos for the FMT

Leigh Super FMT is the one I have, the Pro is the aluminum one that costs twice as much
review video   
Pro model complete instruction video (1hr 48 mins) and videos of individual chapters
post where I bought mine
2010 woodshop news review with many quotes from mfg. lists orig cost as $449 though the article was updated in 2017 so it may be the cost at that time.
2010 woodcraft magazine aricle/review shows $399 for the price and $49 for the vacuum box

Leigh Bits for
Mortise & Tenon Joints
Max. Cutting
162 1/16" [don't yet have] HSS only 3/16" 1/4" 2-1/2"


164c 1/8" [don't yet have] Carbide only 1/2" 1/4" 3"


166c 3/16" [don't yet have] carbide version from $22 more 3/4" 1/4" 3"


168 [c appended on website]
1/4" carbide check to see if i have
168-500 hss 1/2" shank
168c 1/4" shank carbide
1 1/8" 1/4" 3-1/2" 48.00

5/16" hss 1" 1/2" 3 1/2 " 30.00
173-500 [c appended on website] 3/8" carbide 1 1/4" 1/2" 3-1/2" 81.00
177C 7/16" for tenons only [don't yet have] -carbide version - is $22 more 1 3/4 " 1/2" 4"


180 1/2" hss 1 1/2" 1/2" 3 1/2" 49.00
1/2" cardibde [don't yet have] GIVES EXTRA 5/8" cutting depth" 2 1/8" 1/2" 4-1/2"


Woodworker's Journal video review of Pro model

video on square tenon guides that would be used with a hollow chisel mortiser if through tenons are desired

Axminster video on Pro

Leigh video on specialty patterns and the page to buy them
1:10 louver guides
use one particular bit 168-500 1/4" louver guide bit (this is the 1/2" shank 1/4" cutting diameter bit, it is only available in hss for $25.00)
see this Rockler video for a bit that makes a more elegnant profile to the slit itself
before buying consider if necessary frame thickness makes the shutter look too clunky
other options:
the rockler bit makes the louvers a more elegant shape but might look odd at the angle the fmt makes; they have jigs too
router forums thread with other options

2:50 Y Axis guide potential use from this video    (youtube same video)


Quadruple Mortise & Tenon video from Leigh

easier to read chart of different sizes


post on clamping it backwards on deck railing for tenons on long boards



video to make angle finder jig for wolverine jig

avoid bowl turning tearout by finishing with short grind gouge; use fingernail grind gouge first to rough it out fww 0220 pdfp86

Olivier Gomis youtube video on multi-axis square turning a vase

Olivier Gomis youtube video on round dice

Preparing Green Wood for the lathe [Popular Woodworking Feb 2006] pdfp62 p88

Barley-twist candlesticks using powered off lathe and carving gouges FWW 0189 pdfp96

home made lathe bed extension FWW 0189 pdfp18

turn a natural edge bowl PWW Feb 2007 pdfp64


2025-01 Measuring Hacks    "Easy Math with Two Rulers" seems very useful

use tape (or a photocopier, per a different article) to layout keyholes for hanging

2024-12 FWW 0176 pdfp29 Veritas 3-in-1 marking gauge review

2024-12 Lufkin No18B Big Mike has is similar to starrett 289a that attaches to combination square rule at right angle
'connects two 1" wide blades or scales together at 90 degrees which can be used as a depth guage, diameter gauge, square, etc. '

video on making and using a sine bar for very accurate angles

use hose clamp to layout circle of any size FWW 0242 pdfp 14

use whiteout for layout on dark wood   .jpg

for accurate joints, always mark from the same face fww 0219 pdfp87

Paul Sellers video on Markings used in Woodworking

Paul Sellers video on Checking your square's squareness

Paul Sellers articles on the knife he uses 1  2

PWW Feb 2002 Tite-Mark micro-adjust marking gauge review made by glen-drake.com and sold by Lie-Nielsen

PWW Feb 2005 - Mark with the grain with an awl (a blade can catch the wood's grain pulling the edge and line astray)

PWW 2004-11 pdfp16 p32 Testing Your Layout Tools

"The Striking Knife" PWW 2005-05 p32 pdfp19 - traditional version with two ends

positioning stock for accurate cuts 2006-04 pdfp72

acetone to remove pencil marks pww oct 2006 pdfp9 p16

winding sticks by checking machinist squares have parallel gap on upright FWW pdfp18

Using test cuts for accurate machine setups FWW 0181 pdfp90

Shop made pinch rods for marking inside dimensions PWW Apr 2007 pdfp13

english layout square out of wood pww dec 2010 pdfp48

FWW 218 pdfp36 easy machine setups with a height gauge eliminate/minimize test cuts

using a dial indicator in the woodshop for table saw, drill press and jointer setup - shopnotes #68 page 32

PWW Oct 2004 pdfp8 adjusting a framing square and making your own square

segmenting a line into equal parts "Home Furniture - 09 - January 1997.pdf" p10

Drawing an oval with a compass
"120+ Shop-Tested Tips & Techniques.pdf" pdfp9

FWW 197 28 correcting a combination square

FWW 0275 pdfp16 Using a pin to locate t-nut placement

Lumber Sellers

FWW 0176 pdfp13 use an extension ladder to support long lumber that hangs out of trailer (or on roof rack of vehicle)

Baltic Birch

2024-05 18mm Baltic Birch (3/4" nominal) @ Mentor Lumber
4x8    $97.00
5x5    $78.00

2024-12-31 Hartville Hardware Middlefield
5x5 sheets:
¾"   $104.94 Main store in stock

4x8 sheets:
18mm    $107.25   nominal ¾"
15 mm   $85.17     nominal 5/8"
12mm    $68.55     nominal ½"

Tues & Fri delivered to Middlefield
8am day before can get 5x5
3 to 4 days to get 4x8

this facebook post about Baltic Birch:
Terry lumber in peninsula
DSI Solon (set up an account either online or over phone and then place an order)
     1.800.745.1778    6550 Davis Industrial Parkway Solon, OH 44139
Bennett supply
Hartville Hardware Middlefield

2022-04 Mentor lumber I bought 3/4" (18mm) 13 ply 5x5 "special order from Bennet" for $96.96


local lumber recommendations in this facebook post
Yoder Lumber - many say too big, problems with orders, cheaper than Keim
Keim - gets much of their lumber from Yoder, allows picking through pile, great service
Doll Lumber in Southington
Kreis Sawmill
The Wood Shed at Wood Thingamajigs (now next to Sandwich King)
Denoon Lumber in Bergholz, OH, about 1 hour 45 mins pretty much west of Pittsburgh

Bylers 2023-02 prices    2024-02 prices

hardwood at Doll Lumber in Southington is west of Warren about 33 minute drive   2022-07 pricing .pdf

2023-03-22 The Woodshed at Wood Thingamajigs 14646 Ravenna RD Newbury building O unit A from facebook NE Ohio

Terry Lumber & Supply in Peninsula, OH supposedly stocks Baltic Birch and is open Saturday mornings

Hartville Hardwoods LLC     ~59 minute drive     13710 Kent Ave NE, Hartville, OH 44632    330-257-1213   facebook page

Keim   in Millersburg SW of Canton near Berlin, OH    ~ 1hour 50 minute drive

Yoder Lumber in Millersburg SW of Canton near Berlin, OH    ~ 1hour 50 minute drive

Welco in Medina specializes in cedar and douglas fir lumber and timbers

Mount Vernon Hardwood (just over 2 hour drive 930 miles NW of Columbus); they seem to have good prices but small selection; facebook page

local slabs facebook post with many suggestions
Country side lumber in Middlefield   
Red gate lumber, Shalersville on RT44
American Live Edge in Painesville.    
My wood loft in north ridgeville  
Metro Hardwoods  
Check with Jason Monaco, owner of Monaco Tree Service in Perry.
Talk to Jared down at Ohio Woodlands
Jamie Ludwig in Heartville area
Seth Wells at . S&S sawmill
Ogonek in barberton
New horizon wood services can help you out. Custom mantles lots of amazing slabs
Talk to Jim Frey. He’s in Newton falls
Kreis sawmill in marysville has all kinds of old Timbers and beams that would work perfect there
Mohler lumber in north canton has a full lumber mill amd can make anything to specifications    


2024-09-17 4s4 1" thick pine at Home Depot
1x12x8 30.35
1x10 23.67
1x8 18.95
1x6 14.20
1x5 11.83

1x8x12 28.42
1x6x12 21.34

1x12x16 56.84
1x10x16 49.33
1x8x16 39.97
1x6x16 26.68
1x5x16 24.67


issue lists

fww issue numbers vs dates       I built 2025-02-12 from copy & paste of each screen from here


ShopNotes index by letter

fine woodworking online searchable index

woodsmith covers and table of contents pages

woodsmith article search (for box joints, change php for others)

popular woodworking tips archive

PWW Apr 2020 pdfp10 p8 Woodworking magazine folded into Popular Woodworking

american woodworker issues 5-77 on google books   
I think I have them all in .pdf, not 100% certain


Patrick Edwards
started American School of French Marquetry, San Diego, California
see videos I have "French Marquetry Part 1 with Patrick Edwards.mp4" & part 2
his personal home page


for list of Geauga and nearby hardwood dealers, go to vacation.html#hardwood

mdf cabinets and sealing mdf  (local .html)

baltic birch plies and grades
per this page "In many traditional plywoods there are 5-7 layers for a 3/4” sheet, whereas the same thickness of Baltic Birch has 13 layers"

material for guards according to a note I have from 2022-03-17
     lexan is a type of polycarbonate that works well for guards
     acrylic plastic melts and is not shatter proof so don't use it for guards


online scrollsaw patterns from photos

online pattern enlarger

online stencil maker   

FWW 0176 pdfp 98 offset hinges for lipped doors as would be typically seen on grandfather clock

PEC tools - maybe I liked others but I just noticed they have edge finders too

how to adjust euro style cabinet hinges

How to Fix a Warped Cabinet Door

making Drawer Dividers by Family Handyman

Am Woodworker 2007-01 pdfp52 crown moulding cradle

Am. Woodworker 2003-01   2007-01 pdfp58 undercabinet puck lights

sticky: good fraction to decimal and inch to mm conversion chart   

sticky: "FWW.Tune.up.tools.pdf" has good information for about all power tools as well as information on test cuts for many of them

sticky: woodworkingmagazineindex.com review in pww    (local .pdf)

sticky: as of 2024-07-19 looks like I haven't read any of the 2000s American Woodworker TOC at C:\RB\woodworking\american woodworker\START AW 1985-2014.pdf

understairs mobile storage - large wheeled cart with triangle profile  Am. Woodworker "September, 2008.pdf" pdfp14

creating a curved caul with correct curve Am. Woodworker "September, 2008.pdf" pdfp9

Resawn Veener Top with plywood core     Am. Woodworker   "September, 2008.pdf"  pdfp37   

FWW 0237 p84 shorten hinge screw too long for material

folding wedges (see PWW Feb 2002 p 24 for folding wedges with groove with spline to keep aligned)

fixing stripped screw hole with woodglue and toothpicks from family handyman
glue on bundle of toothpicks, jam in hole and let dry, break off toothpicks with hammer and chisel

many good short articles at highlandwoodworking.com but only opens in MS edge as of 2023-08-31 because of some encyption issue in Chrome

doors that stay flat techniques FWW 0232 pdfp29

Veritas string inlay tool review FWW 0234 pdfp21

and article on making the bellflowers FWW 0182 pdfp96

article on second story shop with overhead crane extending out side of building like I would like to do in our attic (and was done with old steelyard balances)
turns out he is the inventor of Incra Ibox and posts on sawmillcreek frequently

hardwood lumber grades and milling informaiton fww 0221 pdfp 23
bow = curve of a boards face along its length; is as if ends of board were compressed
crook = concave curve of a board's edge
cup = curve across a board's width
twist = high opposite corners aka wind

Veritas Pliers Rack

spelching (per David Charlesworth in Plane Shooting Simplified at 18:30) is separation of unsupported end grain fibers when planing end grain (I would have probably called it tear out in the past); 35:10 split or splinter

Tool Manufacturer Consolodation PWW 2004-12 pdfp14
TTI Techtronlic Industries bought Milwaukee; already has Ryobi, Homelite, Royal & Dirt Devil; makes Ridgid and some Craftsman, Zircon, Toro, Bissel, Hoover, Fein, Senco Bosch and Husky
Black & Decker bought Delta and Porter Cable

PWW 2004-08 pdfp75 Tage Frid passed away 2024-05-04 at age 88; came to US from Denmark in 1948, taught at Rhode Island School of Design, helped start Fine Woodworking

David Charlesworth passed away May 2022

Introduction to Veneering FWW 0189 pdfp60 p60

search for "ripper" to find Micro-Jig GRR-Ripper pushblock files
also see tablesaw/jigs

replacement parts for old Delta stationary tools www.renovoparts.com FWW 0191 pdfp24


dust collection adapter with old light FWW 264 pdfp15


lifting a heavy load in the garage FWW 0193 pdfp20
put a wedge into the snatch block / pulley after level to keep it from spining.


Processing logs into blanks method that saves trouble later PW June 2006 pdfp67

video Build an Assembly Table, Torsion Box Workbench

making torsion like box table top using 3/4" thick honeycomb cardboard FWW 0219 pdfp90

as of 2019-03-19 these are the 18 gauge brads I have
1 1/4
1 3/8
1 5/8

aviation shears #aircraft cutting direction
red left
green right
yellow straight

FWW 108 p28 simplified dust collector switch at all tools

how to make cock beaded drawers on woodsmith    (local .pdf)

FWW 247 p84 side hung drawers

family handyman on building drawer dividers

Miter Saw

pww auxiliary table      (local.pdf)     giant .jpg 1 2

article on test cuts on a miter saw (local .pdf)

making a miter saw more accurate PWW 2005-08 pdfp55 p66

auxillary table to make cutting small parts safe and zero clearance FWW 0181 pdfp 64

special coupling fitting to make extensions removeable FWW 0181 pdfp 662 sawhelper.com

FWW 0268 p14 increasing max cutting width

small parts table "2006 The Best of Fine Woodworking Built-in Furniture.pdf" p8

Thickness Planer

ShopNotes 98 pdfp53 jigs for providing jointer like functionality for flattening a face and squaring an edge

Snipe remedy using strips attached with double faced tape at Popular Woodworking

"Get Better Cuts with Your Planer" by Jerry C. Forshee FWW 0256 pdfp38

sled to plane shopsawn veneers FWW 257 pdfp12 pp12

jig for using planer as a jointer for perfectly square edges


my Grizzly is model g1021
g1021_m.pdf pdfp33 lists 35 degree bevel angle


Sawmillcreek thread that references Bob Vaughan method that seems to be the method shown in this video    
 (this is the 2 part jointer and planer knife installation video, planer part starts at 25:25)
see FWW 0107 pdp72 for companion article to the video


Amazon has many choices. I bought this Powertec version for 35.79

This FOXBC page on Amazon (35.99 and 2 day shipping) has a review that says his blades came ground to 42 degrees

These Powertec knives on Amazon reads in part "dual-sided double edge blade designed to provide you with sustained planing on each side, before turning them over to the other side."    Not sure what that means

These Asieg knives on Amazon ($36.49) list my model and these blade specs
W6 laminated high-speed steel construction blades stay sharper and last longer than conventional knife materials
Blade material: M2/SKH51/W6Mo5Cr4V2
Hardness: HRC 63-65°

Grizzly has these G6701 blades listed as the replacement for $87.95. I didn't buy them,

factory style jig

the knife setting jig that shipped from the factory that I bought 2023-09-12.
Parts diagram online     #166 on diagram     P1021166 COMPLETE KNIFE GAUGE ASSY FOR G1021 $15.55

vernier style jig by JTEX

this thread has a .doc and some pics uses the Bob Vaughn method
remove the motor switch, then remove the motor (if don't do switch first, have to do it while holding motor)
remove part 23 chip deflector
Next you can remove the item 28 chip breaker spring
Don't remove the chip breaker – can't get it back in with knives in place

an Amazon review here states "These blade setting jigs will not fit inside a Grizzly G1021 because of the chip breaker inside the top cover. You need to use either an original Grizzly P1021166 knife gauge or a Delta 1349408 knife setting gauge."

According to the grizzly page T30376 'fits all planers from 12" to 24" '    was on sale from 54.75 to 43.65 but I found for 32.99 with free shipping here

this thread is more about using a dial indicator for setting knives on an old Parks brand planer that doesn't have jib screws, but it is where I first heard about this style

Woodstock mini planer pal

I didn't buy it at Grizzly for 20.75  nor at  Amazon who has it for $26.00
' for  1-7/8" to 2-1/8" diameter cutterheads for 13" and smaller planers ' - I don't know my g1021 has that diameter, but it is 15"

Woodstock full size planer pal

I didn't buy this one either      Grizzly has it for 99.95 and claims it work son 2.5" to 4" cutter heads
there is a video on that page on using it
uses current settings to put knives at same location, so if off to start will be off later
I did have a note that I wrote: "it seems the full size planer pal won't fit in my planer"


#fence & fence gates
#puzzle table
#cutting guide
#plant stand
#bluebird box
#not plant stand
#hallway wood box

2025-01 lattice table video on Facebook

PWW Nov 2006 stickley arts & crafts table with splayed legs not in catalog so presumed prototype #craftsman style

making undersink pullout drawers

https://www.woodsmith.com/article/squaring-jig/ instead of buying this https://www.rockler.com/rockler-square-it-box-squaring-clamp

fww home made speakers   local.pdf   prettyprint .pdf     

fww 0176 pdfp103 curved stretcher to add legroom and grace on table similar to the one I use for scanner

PWW OCT 2012 pdpf62 Shaker Carry Box (aka Shaker silverware tray) would be easy to make several with hand tools

fence & fence gates

fww 0304 two fence gate designs and tips on how to hang them

puzzle table

Puzzle Table with Drawers: Jumbo Wooden Puzzle Plateau | Bits and Pieces

Wood mag Oct 2023 291 p57 puzzle tray 1  2  3  4

the Cinque Terre 2000 piece puzzle is 38.5" x 26.5"
a typical 1000 piece puzzle (at least Chuck Pinson Island Time) is 26.75" x 19.75"
I had taken pics on 2023-01-02, so I have been thinnking about making this since at least that long

35x26 or 30x22.25



cutting guide

Shopnotes 019 pdfp16    + cutting guide exploded view on last page
"019 ShopNotes (Vol. 04) - Modular Clamp Storage System cutting guide exploded view.png"    - rotated screen capture

2025-01-27 Bora

plant stand

Stickley Tile-Topped Plant Stand similar to the one I want to make. I have a note about the tile somewhere   Woodworking Mag Winter 2008

plant stand decorative tiles  from this post in Youngstown would go nicely with No 324 on pdfp39 of "Early L. & J. G. Stickley Furniture - From Onondaga Shops to Handcraft.pdf"
I think the 324 is the model in WM_Winter_2008.pdf Woodworking magazine - it shows detailed plans

bluebird box - 2024-04-15

clean out mouse nest in feb
check weekly march and april
get rid of english hose sparrow has very messy nest brown speckled eggs
for keeping out starlings use entrance diameter 1.5 inch
live mealworms

blue eggs
after 13 days they hatch
after hatch dont look at them again
19 days they fletch

make 2 houses so tree swallow has one too
many feathers in nest

south or east opening
put it at eye level
morning sun does well

may have to remove blowflow maggots from babies
ok to handle the babies for maggot removal; parents will not abandon (most birds won't abandon)

if make peterson box dont use oval hole ir might get starlings

not plant stand

PWW Oct 2012 pdfp45 The Roorkhee Chair - one in the series of Christopher Schwarz campaign chairs

How to Build an Outdoor Privacy Screen | eHow
Wood Patio Privacy Screen DIY — Tag & Tibby Design

slide out trash can    

2024-12 PWW "Pure & Simple Jewelry Box" with very detailed instructions and good pics    (local .pdf)

2024-12 PWW "Cube in a Cube"   (local .pdf)

wood 262 sept 2019 pdfp57 p54 slide out under sink storage

adjustable trivet from scraps

Secrets to a perfect mitered box fww 0246 p32 looks nice

2023-12-26 "A Benchtop Bench" Jeff Miller design FWWW 0176 pdfp38 - gets work up to a comfortable height.
Discussed in his video "Using the Versatile Chisel with Jeff Miller (720).mp4) at ~13:00
In this post Derek from Perth states "I think that you will find that the chop will get chewed up when you transfer tails to pins (because the table is at the same height)."

2023-12-19 home made woverine style grinding jig video     local .pdf of plans

FWW 0255 page 49 cool pencil like a box with sliding lid

Woodsmith: Shop-Made Sharpening Supplies Box

French cleats from Popular Mechanics     5" strip; I set to fence at 2 1/2 when cutting 45 to bias one side larger

Mini pallet coasters

hiding cords & box to house cat litter box

tabletop reindeer

PWW gifts to build    cube in a cube (crappy local .pdf) is cool, as are wooden fishing lures and Japanes Sliding lid box

Homemade Wooden (scissor) Lifting Table video       different guy very detailed post on how he made his own on lumberjocks

Improved Adirondack chair     search "american woodworker june 96" pdfp 28 p26
uses tenons and sliding dovetails for better durability

rolling table fits over car hood FWW 0248 p14

FWW 0240 p82 parquetry checkerboards

FWW 0240 p44 little boxes I could make for Christmas gifts

cool cabinet design that opens to same size as closed   FWW 0231 pdfp75

video on how to build cabinets the easy way

fww 0225 page 34 four ways to top a box

fww 0226 p70 Build your own front door

FWW0223 p60 Easy-to-make drawer dividers

cool Arts and Crafts table with gridwork lattice on side and 4 sqares on top surrounding small tile FWW 0221 pdp60

can racks for pantry should be like these
3.45" Wide x 19.52" Tall x 22.10" Depth 3 racks high; they use elastic cords for the sides to make it easy to get things in and out

facebook video from bored panda on making a magnet that turns on and off by turning the top layer of a 3 layer assembly
might be useful in hanging football sized lights perhaps from pruning
should also look into wirelessly controlled electromagnets - instead I just bought this 12V one and will run a wire 800 Newtons ~ 179.8 lbs
C:\RB\user guides\Christmas\2021-12 lights football size hook making


speaker cabinets Wood Magazine 247 or 248 correction in 250 p 8

Outdoor Lantern Landscape Lights PWW 2004-06 p78 pdfp65

Torsion Box Desk PWW 2004-12 pdfp56 p80

Illustrated Guide to Door Styles PWW 2004-12 pdfp32

Ask This Old House s19 e9 mounting an old beam for fireplace mantle

Kitchen pan lid storage video

cutting boards and charcuterie boards FWW 0183 pdfp68 p68
jig to make blood groove in cutting board using 4 corner clamps similar to the ones I have
many different boards for sale that give good ideas

strong shutter joints FWW 0190 pdfp94 - leave one side's stile unglued to rails so broken slats can be removed, use screw into tennon end grain to wedge

see also Woodsmith 151 and "151 window-shutters online extra.pdf"

timberframe project from old recycled barn FWW 0188 pdfp34 p34 and correction in FWW 0191 pdfp12 p12

Quick to Make Tool Cabinet FWW 0188 pdfp41 p41

quiet an air compressor - maybe useful for pool pump and septic aerator FWW 0188 pdfp106

craftsman cabinets for kitchen or shop FWW 0185 pdfp39

hand made crates FWW 0185 pdfp 14

Japanese crate-like sliding lid tool boxes FWW 257 pdfp58
PWW 222 pdfp39

Adirondack Chair FWW 0192 pdfp54 p54

Arts & Crafts (English Style) bookcase PWW 222 (Dec 2015) pdfp26 by Nancy Hiller, reprinted PWW 269 (~2023-01) upon her death

Rolling Laptop stand for the shop     PWW 269 p42

scissor lift like work table brilliandiy page 1 2 links to this video

fold up full bed frame for glamping now 404     at rchive.org

micro-adjust circle jig for bandsaw video

quick to build adjustable dado jig

FWW 0222 pdfp45 Nick Offerman slab flattening jig that I am going to use to flatten bench

Fine Homebuilding 189 Aug 2007 p 126 making french knot in flooring, applies to smaller scale too
blog entry on making french knot using kerfmaker

hallway wood box

PWW April 2000 pdfp 29 for a square leg when making mortises on both sides miter the ends of the tenons as shown in this garden bench
would be ideal for a firewood storage box if i decide to go all out

I could also try FWW223 pdfp91 cart for sharpening station as a firewood box for the hallway.
It sits on a heavy-duty, mobile platform— similar to the torsion-box design for shop furniture built by John White (See "Choosing and Using Casters," FWW #190 p78)


spray can rack above bench     FWW 198 p18

using slot cutting bit to make spline for frame "2006 The Best of Fine Woodworking Built-in Furniture.pdf" p10

Designing boxes FWW 197 p62

fww 261 p66 thick tabletop from thin material

fww 247 p62 2 types of carcases from plywood - frame and panel  &  mitered

chock for tools on wheels    [Popular Woodworking 272 2023-06]

spray can storage   [Popular Woodworking 272 2023-06]

Cool looking serving trays FWW 268 pdfp60  

Wood mag Oct 2023 291 chainsaw storage box 1 2 3 4 5 6


#pantorouter & Woodpeckers version

better version of the pic in the hitachi manual from here

fww 0242 pdfp22 do end grain first when edge routing

Climb cutting FWW 220 pdfp55

FWW 0176 pdfp13 router jig to flush trim edging

PWW on favorite router accessories

PWW on routing arches of any size    (local .pdf)

Hitachi M12V2 vs M12VE - I don't think I have either one

orings on shank of bits
Use 5/32 dia. O-rings for 1/4 shank
3/8 dia. for 1/2 shank
Measure the depth of your router’s collet and position the O-ring on the shaft 1/8 less than this depth.

pww extension rails useful for tasks such as routing already assembled doors     (local .pdf)

router bits

When I bought the router table, I started a new page for the router bits local page.

ezset for miter lock

ezset local page - sets height of freud router bits

Hawk RouterShop R29 router table

Add info here on the Hawk RouterShop R29 router table I bought in 2018
review FWW 0181 pdfp41 p41

RT100 SE router table

This is the info on the RT1000 SE router table local page I bought 2022-02


Stubby Nubs youtube video on perfect matching curves

2:05 make master template
2:25 layout workpieces
2:50 remove waste with bandsaw leaving >= 1/16"
3:10 make postivive and negative templates
3:20 trick of the technique is using 3/8" flush trim bit to make both positive and negative patterns in the same pass
3:45 because of kerf, pos and neg have gap when put together
4:05 put pattern on workpiece 3/8" back from from the line
4:18 put a bearing 11/8" wide on the 3/8" inch flush trim bit
5:00 pattern b goes right on the line , put 3/8" bearing back on

Article about same topic [Popular Woodworking June 2006] pdfp24 p36

Dovetail Jig (my old ones)

AskWoodMan youtube video (part 47) for using the Rockwell 5008 dovetail jig I have
     part 2 of using the jig (part 48)

part 46 shows his parts marking technique     
jointed edges up (4:40)
3:00 he marks the drawer insides with an x that will be facing out in the jig
3:39 write drawer number on center of each piece on edge
3:40 starting to the left and going clockwise mark each corner with a letter on both boards   

Cope & Stick jig for router table


home made jig for alignment or fence and miter gauge slot - similar to one that came with router table fine woodworking 2017-04 260 17
coping at the router table with push block rather than miter popular woodworking Dec-09   70  

see also article on coping at the router table with push block rather than miter in Popular Woodworking dec 2009 p 70


Router Direction while routing Dados

In this video from woodworker's guild of america with a handheld router, the first pass is right to left, then the pass to widen it is further from the edge and left to right

jig to remove bearing from bit without cutting finger FWW 209 pdfp 16

pantorouter & Woodpeckers version

pww 282 feb 2025 article confirmed pantorouter is based on Mathias Wendell design

misc routing

fww 0242 pdfp56   4 jigs for a fixed base router - straightedge jig has hinged fence for layout, folds back for routing

cool jig for doweling and floating tenons with trim router if I didn't have biscuit joiner

fww 0278 2019-12 pdfp16using router (trim in their example) with inlay kit including guide bushings
to rout perfect hinge mortices for rouded edge hings such as sewing machine hinges

video on using base surround to make consistent spacing for bench dog holes

PWW Nov 2010 p12 jig for easily template routing small parts

Flattening a Board on Router Table using runner on either side PWW 2005-12 pdfp13

search for "ripper" to find Micro-Jig GRR-Ripper pushblock files


technique for routing splines of mitered spline joint PWW June 2007 pdfp20

FWW 0222 pdfp45 Nick Offerman slab flattening jig that I am going to use to flatten bench

Self-centering Mortising Jig FWW 0191 pdfp68

video: Make a Planer Jig for Your Router / Router Planer Sled

3 easy router fences Shopnotes 120 pdfp8

router table extension Shopnotes 120 pdfp4

some bits like edge-banding bits need an offset fence FWW 0221 pdfp80

this post describes inserts that fit in a baseplate
so I can use the PC type brass guides and still use the big bits in the same base plate without switching base plates 
see post #20, bu t
snaps in place ...press fit type   OD 3 1/4"
PC type insert plate inside the Oak-Park base plate...

you may run into a error ii is with the R & S bit sets or the T & G sets but you can get around this by using the small R & S for Jr. panel doors and the slot cutters don't need to drop into the base plate opening the norm and the same for the T & G sets.
see post 22 on page 2 for more info

I believe the Hitachi part 956756 "Template Guide Adaptor" allows for Porter Cable style templates
this thread seems to confirm that
not sure if i have one or not
see instructions in "instructions M12V_OM_6779.pdf" pdfp9 &pdfp13

jig for aligning stopped cuts on a router table FWW 0230 pdfp12

consider buying:

router plate rings 1 2 3 4=Jessem set of 10 sizes   5=Kreg 5 piece set   
Stumpy Nubs used one of them listed above when making his out router plate/lift

Woodcraft page on Jessem aluminum corner leveling plates

Replacement chuck makes bit changes a breeze FWW 224 p20, like my extension but threads right onto collet



build an easy offset fence by drilling and hole and jointing 1/32" off up to the hole, then use it for the fence FWW 197 p56

Legacy Ornamental Mills

similar to Router Crafter but much more substantial
past models at mfg website

original prices on order sheet

Entirely round base vs flats

sawmillcreek discussion    
post 12 "used that flat to my advantage when I was edge trimming a couple of weeks back. I rotated the base and held it for a light pass, then went back over with it flat for the next pass."
post 14 "I concluded the flat side is meant to keep the base from rotating when embedded in a router table"
post 15 "flat area is likely for clearance so you can get closer to an obstruction or for clearance when using an edge guide if it's oriented in the "right" place"

router extensions

xTreme xTension

instruction highlighted .pdf            instructions jpg       p2 1/4" collet      p3     speed chart



rust and solvents

removing rust and restoration of cast iron table saw top Shop Notes 115 pdf p46

removing rust from files      and another

Family Handyman on removing rusty, frozen bolts

highland woodworking video on removing rust from a high quality plane
he likes RUST FREE product before sanding with 220 to make it go easier
5:20ish surface plate, lubricating wet dry sand paper with camilla oil - he used grits 220, 400, 800, 1200 (and 2500 just because he had it)

highland woodworking video on preventing rust
3:00 T-9 Boesheield; most remove when want to use tool; he claims to remove dried Boeshield spray on new Boeshield and wipe tool down
3:45 Glidecoat
4:40 if using drawer liner, make sure it is anti-moisture drawer liner
5:30 reuseable driers i have
6:25 plane socks
6:50 Starrett M1 lubricant for areas that would collect dust
7:10 camilla oil

cast iron table cleanup of rust Shop Notes 115 pdf p46

fww 0227 p30 rust preventers compared
CRC 3-36 scored best

Clean Rusty Tools by Electrolysis from Popular Woodworking (local .pdf)
uses 10 gal tank, rebar and battery charger

waxing tools to prevent rust FWW 0186 pdfp94

removing table top rust Woodsmith 266 p 23
"use high grit sandpaper along with a light solvent like mineral spirits to wet sand the area"

video from Hightland Woodworking on how to remove rust and products and an article

A Primer on Solvents by Flexner | Popular Woodworking Magazine archive.org

solvents and their pastics compatibility thread
references this site which works and has a nice color coded chart
as well as this site that would be more detailed if it worked.

long story short, boeshield t-9 and somethingcote call for a degreaser. after doing some reseach, it appears mineral spirts is a good choice. remember that mineral spirits are a specific type of paint thinner.
removing T-9 with mineral spirits or a degreaser
google search
however, this article indicates if painting a car, mineral spirits is not a desirable degreaser

the sawmillcreek thread has mixed information, but it seems as if the advantage of putting a cloth towel or sheet on top of woodworking equipment is that it prevents airborn dust from settling. after dust lands it collects moisture that will speed rusting on the tabletop. whether a cloth is used or not, a protective layer of chemical or wax is required.


2024-12 FWW 0176 pdfp117 sandpaper grits brand by brand

2019-12 article in FWW 0278 p20 Festool's clean cutting sanding nets

2019-12 article in FWW 0278 p20 Nano Hone lapping plates - kind of expensive but great quality

wood 158.pdf pdfp 92 cami grades to fepa "p" grades

homemade reinforced sandpaper    .jpg

Flexner's sanding block that maximizes sandpaper use
softwood with 1⁄8"-thick cork glued to the bottom w PVA wood glue
1 1⁄4” thick x 2 3⁄4” wide x 3 7⁄8” long
trim the excess cork and chamfer the top
don't finish it: most finishes become gummy after extended contact with skin and sweat
tear sheet into thirds keeping entire width
fold that in half and wrap unevenly around block, lower on index finger side, higher on thumb side
first use one side, then the other side, then the middle portion

without a block, fold it this way and grit holds it together

Sanding on the drill press with custom-made sanding drums FWW 0254 p38

fww 0225 page 40 random orbit Sanders also has information on what grits to use for what purposes

random orbit sander "Start on (place on wood before starting sander), Stop off (pick up sander then turn it off while not on worksurface)."

PWW 261 pdfp10   also Am Woodworker 2007-01 pdfp24

highland woodworker little block for hand sanding with sanding belts 18:45

maybe useful for all the belts I have that never get used


FWW 0249 p63 Japanese Handsaws

thread with tips on cutting straight with a Japanese pull saw



making a scraper wood   56 60  
scraper maker woodsmith   67 5  
scraper burninisher with auto engine valve woodsmith   67 5  
card scraper jig to releive finger pain popular woodworking Apr-03   18  
the secret to hand scrapers popular woodworking Jun-00   32  
Success with scrapers pww june 2010     42


Installing Woodscrews | Woodsmith

very detailed McFeely's Drilling Chart for Screw Sizes
Wood Screw Size Chart with Applications showing head diameter, etc
different head options
traditional vs modern, click Read More on this page

traditional vs modern wood screws



detailed article including coatings descriptions

straight vs tapered    
traditional vs modern, click Read More on this page    
with at least one error (pitcture labeled traditional screw is actually modern screw) Nov 4, 2015 at 11:09 Graphus's post

species id


red oak vs. white oak

mahogany true species vs falsely named

steel wool

uses for different grits    and another    coarse #3      fine #0



stock preparation

see also planes#Preparing Rough Sawn Lumber

PWW Nov 2006 the right way to Prepare Stock   p70

PWW tips for buying rough sawn lumber

Edge-joining Thin Boards | Popular Woodworking

maximize ray fleck with resawing corners off fww 0178 pdfp96

Chris Schwarz youtube video on stock prep with hand tools (Excerpted from "Build a Hand-Crafted Bookcase," by Christopher Schwarz)
start with outside face of board (was towards bark) up on bench

Chris Schwarz    Preparing Rough Stock video on youtube

this PWW article
mark grain direction on end of board, stack same way after each operation
when measuring thicknes of identical thickness pieces, measure multipe pieces and divide by number of pieces to get more accurate error measurement
use dedicated rip blade on tablesaw for any ripping over 1 1/2" thick
thickness planer snipe techniques - cut off 3" on each end, feed pieces end to end, overlap boards that are < 1/2" max width (only works after first pass)
thickness planer to consistent width: rip 1/16" wider than needed, then gang them on edge (only works for 3/4" <= thickness < 4
put paraffin wax on jointer & planer beds, won't affect finish

fww 0225 page 22 plywood for Woodworkers describing the different grades of plywood

creating thin stock using drum sander at drill press    Shopnotes 120 pdfp25

FWW 2012 6 226 17 Methods of Work Spring joints consistently

fww 264 gluing thin panels p 54

Technical Data

sticky: good fraction to decimal and inch to mm conversion chart   

64ths to mm

wood magazine screw pilot sizes
tapered dril bit sizes from here
drill bit types & rpms
fractions unreduced up to 128ths originally from here
shelf sag calculator
wood and panel weights
particleboard and mdf shelf strengths and engineering formulas

Torsion Box

ShopNotes 112 pdfp19 constructing a torsion box (for workbench in same issue major ribs are across narrow dimension)

SHOP NOTES, Volume 19, Issue 112 has torsion box pdfp21 p19

sawmillcreek thread

home made scaffold pick / plank torsion box Shopnotes 93 pdfp21

video Build an Assembly Table, Torsion Box Workbench

making torsion like box table top using 3/4" thick honeycomb cardboard FWW 0219 pdfp90

Torsion Box Desk PWW 2004-12 pdfp56 p80

I could also try FWW223 pdfp91 cart for sharpening station as a firewood box for the hallway.
It sits on a heavy-duty, mobile platform— similar to the torsion-box design for shop furniture built by John White (See "Choosing and Using Casters," FWW #190 p78)

torsion box assembly table fww with Marc Spagnuolo (the wood whisperer)    (local article .pdf     plan .pdf   sketchup file won't download properly)
the online post claims issue 0192 but there is only a tiny blob on p 6 saying to go to fww website
fww site has 9:26 video that is the first portion of his 22:48 low res part 1 video on youtube     high res part 1    his part 1 page on his site
low res part 2     his part 2 page on his site has sketchup file that won't download properly

PWW torsion-box workbench   (local .pdf)

Track saw

2023-12 wood magazine reviews - upshot is build your own if will be used infrequently

Family Handyman on How to Cut Straight With a Circular Saw


Turning Wet Wood to a Finished Bowl

Fingernail grind on bowl gouges from Wood Mag (local .jpg)

Sharpening for Woodturners PWW 2004-11 pdfp74 p97

Turned Fitted-lid Box PWW 2005-04 p92 pdfp75

Spindle Christmas Ornaments PWW 2004-12 pdfp19 p35

Turn Your First Bowl    PWW 2005-05 p77 pdfp65

Sharpening gouges - the 40 degree solution 0187 pdfp100

FWW 2012 10 228 60 None Secrets of segmented turning
FWW     126 50   Home made Adjustable lathe jaws

turnedwood has resources (paper flow char type or software) for figure segmented turning segment sizes, jigs to cut them, etc. Was mentioned on FWW 0230 pdfp10 along with a number of others

Vacuum Hose Sizes

blue small shop vac vacuum hose sizes
1.35" OD
1.55" OD
yellow 1 dot 1.28" ID
yellow 2 dot 1.45" ID
orange 1dot 1.54" OD




2024-12-06 have had note in google keep since March 8 "Mastering Hand Tools with C. Schwarz part 05 left off at 13 mins even"



fww p57 2002-09 158 installing a cast iron vise

Benchcrafted tail vises & others types look to be very high quality

Veritas Inset Vise similar to a small wagon vise and similar function to tip from woodworking magazine on using a wonder dog, but this can be used as a spreader too

Veritas Prairie Dogs pop up I wonder if the flat can be spun around.

Veritas Bench Dogs are 4-3/8" long for standard thickness benches vs. Bench Pups are 2-3/8" long for bench tops up to 2" thick

PWW 2004-11 pdfp12 pattern vise like ability with 2 vises

drilling bechdog holes in bench top that hasn't yet been assembled (so it can be flipped over) FWW 0182 pdfp90


2024-12 a benchtop bench (similar idea to moxon vise) FWW 0176 pdpf 37

2024-12 right bench height? The way we figure it is to stand straight and let your arm hang down loosely by your side. Have someone measure the distance from the knuckle joint on your dominant hand’s pinky to the floor. That’s the ideal height for the top of your bench, if you do a lot of handplaning with metal planes...

torsion box assembly table fww with Marc Spagnuolo (the wood whisperer)    (local article .pdf     plan .pdf   sketchup file won't download properly)
the online post claims issue 0192 but there is only a tiny blob on p 6 saying to go to fww website
fww site has 9:26 video that is the first portion of his 22:48 low res part 1 video on youtube     high res part 1    his part 1 page on his site
low res part 2     his part 2 page on his site has sketchup file that won't download properly

adding pipe flange to edge of bench to extend reach of end vise; will be useful after wagon vise installation PW Feb 2006 p11

filling cracks: PWW November 2010 pdfp8 Christopher Schwarz says to use constuction epoxy that is flexible and will handle wood movement rather than plastic resin

Uncle Leo's Bench

the center of the threaded rod running through the top is ~ 13/16" below the surface.

Roubo style bench

article with plans and cad files, couldn't get video to play     local pdf      cad 1    cad 2
FWW 0230 pdfp46  Jeff Miller article on Roubo bench
FWW 0232 pdfp10  adding a sliding second vise
PWW August 2010 pdfp30 Christopher Schwarz on building one, maybe companion article to his video on it
     PWW November 2010 pdfp10ish in "letters" section, question about leg vise in Aug 2010 article
PWW November 2010 pdfp6 Christopher Schwarz references his two books that likely have info on making Roubo style bench
    "Workbenches: From Design & Theory to Construction & Use "
    "Workbench Design Book:The Art & Philosophy of Building Better Benches"

PWW torsion-box workbench   (local .pdf)

cheap leg vise from pw    (local .pdf)    

ShopNotes 65 pdfp18 nice classic bench but it should have solid hardwood top instead; has twin screw vise on the end

dog holes

drilling bechdog holes in bench top that hasn't yet been assembled (so it can be flipped over) FWW 0182 pdfp90
bench dog drill bit and guide wood 249 82
bench dog drill bit and home made guide wood 208 77
drilling bench dog holes with plunge router woodsmith 241 13

Film finishes aren't for benchtops FWW 0221 pdfp82

they can be slick; before flattening would have t remove film finish first
also, scraping off glue, etc would remove finish in spots
penetrating finsih like linseed or danish oil is good choice. he "slops on and wipes off" Watco Danish oil, never builds finish but prevents moisture transfer and makes glue cleanup easy

flattening a bench

article from highland using crossed strings to verify rails are in one plane    (local .pdf)

FWW 0222 pdfp45 Nick Offerman slab flattening jig that I am going to use to flatten bench

Infinity page for Dado & Planer bit has slab flattening video in second product image

video of a guy using the same technique as above

American Woodworking article on flattening a bench - issue not recorded   .jpg 1    .jpg 2    .jpg3

ShopNotes 139 p4

Popular Woodworking article on how to flatten a workbench top    "February_2008_PW.pdf"    p.37    pdfp.25

wood .pdf on how to flatten a workbench with an easy to build router sled search "How to flatten an uneven workbench top.pdf"

flatten a benchtop "woodsmith 50.pdf" p.20

Popular Woodworking October 2013    October_2013_PWM.pdf    pdfp12

Turn your workbench into a wide jointer FWW 268 pdfp52
really about flattening stock on the workbench, but same concept; same article has cheap moxon vise with dumbells

Using pipe clamps to make a simple flattening jig for slabs FWW 0269 pdfp12

The Milkman's Workbench - fits on tabletop

pop wood June 2013 p33
article extras from that issue    all extras from that issue    video   blurb by Chris Schwarz   making dogs to fit it

Cabinet Making and Drawers

PWW 2005 Oct issue 150 pdfp35 Casework Construction Part 1: Beginning Principles
PWW 2005 Nov issue 151 pdfp27 Casework Construction Part 2: Wood Selection and Prep
3 more

AMWW 2001 Dec pdfp36 face frame cabinets
step by step

video on cheap and easy drawers using bottom of drawer that rides in grovoe in cabinet side

AMWW 2012 Nov. pdfp32 Cabinet Building Essentials
issue has several other articles inculding fitting doors and installing
seems to have been repurposed online here

FWW 0242 pdfp 24frame-and-panel doors using haunched through tenons
pdfp47 build perfect drawers

simple mission cabinets from facebook, screen capture from magazine but I don't know which

family handyman - shortcuts for custom built cabinets

fww 0204 pdpf36 Illustrated Guide to Doors
for biscuits: best used on rails at least 3" wide with 2 biscuits in thickness and use glued in plywood panel

2024-12 quick and easy way to make multiple shop drawers by making it long then sectioning it

PWW Oct_2012_PWM pdfp 57 drawer bottom designs to date date of manufacture

woodsmith 234 pdfp 8    door setting jig that would be good for french cleats too

shop made drawer guides Woodsmith 234 pdfp4

AmWW Nov 2012 has a number of articles on making cabinets starting on pdfp32


Consider Buying

squeeze bottles for shellac       found this Homestead Finishing page but their online store doesn't list them
search Amazon for "polyethylene squeeze bottle" and "polyethylene flip top squeeze bottle"

this Noden Inlay Razor system seems cool - it breaks end grin inlay precisely, but i don't imagine I'd ever use it

panel gauge, maybe Lee Valley's; maybe titemark with extensions

box joint setup spacers

marking gauge and dual bevel marking knife recommended by stumpy nubs   

$200 betterley una-gauge from rocker with dial indicator and aluminum frame and crossmembers fww 0221 pdfp21

Tite-Mark gauge PWW 2005-12 pdfp60 p87

Veritas straight edges PWW? 2005-04 pdf p17

Don't yet buy Oneway grinding wheel balancer PWW 2004-11 pdfp76 p99
It requires wheel to have 1" hole. Verify that my stones have 1" holes and use adapters because I definitley don't have 1" shaft grinder..

Veritas Fine Adjust Marking Gauge PWW 2004-06 pdf15 p26

Lie-Nielsen "Rough to Ready" video with Rob Cosman PWW 2004-12 pdfp14     downloaded 2024-02-21

Glen-Drake Chisel Hammer PWW 2003-04 pdfp17 p32

Marc Adams Woodworking School in Franklin, Indiana PWW 2004-12 pdfp70 p94

Ray Iles Mortise Chisels PWW 2005-11 pdfp15 p34     toolsforwoodworking.com
Ray Iles Mortise Chisels PWW 2005-12 pdfp38 p64

jds dust gate switches     PWW 2005-11 pdfp15 p34    jdstools.com

Glen-Drake hammer for dovetailing and carving PWW 2005-06 p26

Veritas MK.II honing guide PWW 2005-12 pdfp39 p65 - bought 2022-12

Lie-Nielsen Convex-sole Block Plane PWW 2005-12 pdfp38 p64

Powell Manufacturing Odate Crowning Plate for putting a camber on plane ironsPWW 2005-12 pdfp38 p64

rlarson.com Two Cherries chisels   -    nah

Larger version of Triton router reviewed here PWW 2006-08 pdfp21 p28

Consider buying: Blue Spruce Tooloworks Dovetail Chisels PWW Apr 2007 pdfp17
according this this, Blue Spruce is now manufactured by Woodpeckers

Incra T-Rule 18" 47.50 at Lee Valley    12" is 37.50

Incra LS Positioner - investigate different models - LS Positioner 25" with fence is 525.00 at Lee Valley but backordered until 2023-10

woodrat.com precision router jig

TrueTrac system to build a cutting surface that is collapsible

iGaging Bench Square, 7" and iGaging Beveled Straightedge

air caulk gun     

starrett combination square head forged which are for metal and wood and more expensive than the cast which are softer and more for wood

50 wood veneer samples for $40 - seen in this thread

weldon countersinks

HoneRite Gold that makes water non-corrosive

track saw parallel guide from Benchdog Tools in UK, it appears additional parts are required to get to 1170mm max cut ~46 inches, so even then can't crosscut plywood to center


last updated:    Fri 2025-02-21 7:42 AM