PLANES and floats

child pages:

page index:
My Planes

Angle of Attack


Cambered Blades

cabinet for storage
David Charlesworth
Flattening Plane Irons and Soles

Hot Dogs

Lie-Nielsen reviews

Misc Planes stuff
Rack for planes #plane til

Preparing Rough Sawn Lumber

Scraper Planes    
Shooting Boards    [sub page]  
Side Rabbet Plane
Stanley Bailey vs Bed Rock
Techniques for flat and square stock
Toothed Blades
Veritas reviews


My Planes

Angle of Attack

Drawbacks to high angle frogs?

creating camber on bevel up planes by derek from perth using belt sander with jig made from cabinet handle. See "belt sander & grinders for creating camber on bevel up planes" on the sharpening page "Sharpening - Camber" section.

Johnathan Klahn article on different frog angles and uses   
Rob Cosman article on angle of attack and clearance angle    
Paul Sellers article on the exact angle not mattering

AMWW Jan 2013pdfp71 quick blurb on bevel-up planes

shooting planes compared

easy to understand plane information

Drawbacks to high angle frogs   at

Bevel up vs Bevel down FWW 197 p26 pdfp26

Handplane blade angles FWW 186 p96 pdfp96 "Understanding Handplane Blade Angles"

Low Angle Smoothing Planes - review of Veritas and discussion of Stanley 164 and low angle in General - PWW 2004-08 p29

Veritas Bevel-up Bench Planes PWW 2005-12 pdfp39 p65

Paul Sellers on bevel up vs bevel down for new handplane woooworkers

detailed article on Bevel up planes on woodworker's institute



Block Planes

FWW 0231 p80  chamfer end grain without tearout

Christopher Schwarz   The Real Truth About Block Planes   (local .pdf)
bed angle, camber blades or not, quarter coint at different angles to show amount of camber needed, touch and go landing (remove heel not toe), the "wear bevel" problem solved by the ruler trick

Cambered Blades

see also sharpening#camber

2008 FWW video by Chris Gochnour of grinding and honing a camber
was online extra to his article in FWW0204 (April 2009) "Plane Like a Pro"

fww How much camber should be in plane irons?    (local .pdf)

17 tips for sharpening from pww


plane type profile
scrub plane 1/16" camber
fore plane 1/32" camber
smooth plane rounded corner + straight or 1/64" camber
jointer plane square corner + straight


creating camber on bevel up planes by derek from perth using belt sander with jig made from cabinet handle. See "belt sander & grinders for creating camber on bevel up planes" on the sharpening page "Sharpening - Camber" section.

11:40 Chris Schwarz video "Handplane Basics - A Better Way to Use Bench Planes with Christopher Schwarz"
he does 8" raidus camber on No 5 I think for rough work
chip breaker is very far back

Deneb Puchalski on camber in blades Popular Woodworking dec 2011 p 40

Learning Curves by David Charlesworth [Popular Woodworking 2005 August] pdfp42 p53

Plane Blade Cambering Jig] [Popular Woodworking 2010 Oct] pdfp14 p14

Per Charles Schwarz in "Building Furniture with Hand Planes" video 20:04:
jointer plane iron he uses about .007" to .008" lower at edges
smoothing plane he uses about .003" to .003" lower at edges


PWW Oct 2004


David Charlesworth

HandPlane Tuneup FWW 172 p 36

Hand Planing.avi

A User's Guide To Waterstones" FWW 0169 pdfp 31

"Precision Hand Planing" - [Popular Woodworking 2007 Oct] pdfp33 p54

Charlesworth on Scraper Planes "Success with Scraper Planes" PWW June 2010 (issue 183) p42 pdfp44

Learning Curves by David Charlesworth [Popular Woodworking 2005 August PWW 2005-08 pdfp42 p53
curved plan blade sharpening

Chip Breaker

Per Charles Schwarz in "Building Furniture wiht Hand Planes" video:
jointer plane start with chip breaker 1/8" back from edge and move closer as get more comfortable with using it
smoothing plane chip breaker should be about 1/32" back from edge



I have
1" push cheek float and
[crank-neck] push face float

as of 2023 Lie-Nielsen no longer makes them and hasn't since maybe 2013, but this landing page is still on their site

comparison of Lie-Nielsen floats, and Auriou rasps and Stanley skew block planes for trimming tennons by Derek Cohen ( think the Perth frequent poster on sawmillcreek)
    he likes the fine control of the floats for hardwoods over the Stanley No. 140 , though only after the factory sharpening was rehoned. softwoods still produced dust even after honing.
    he likes the Stanley No 140 for taking off larger amounts of material in both hardwood and softwood but someimes " like using a hammer to swat a fly"
    he seems to indicate Lie-Nielsen ones are really rebranded Clark & Williams floats

I had previously read this Popular Woodworking article about Clark & Williams -
3 guys in Arkansas that started making floats to make wooden replicas of 18th Century moulding, bench and joinery planes then 1 guy dropped out of the club
later renamed to Old Street Tool, Inc
now no longer making bench planes, they still make side escapement planes


Flattening Plane Irons and Soles

Tolerance of plane sole:


Flattening A Plane Sole, Part 1 - block plane on a diamond stone   from PWW (local .pdf)
Flattening A Plane Sole, Part 2 - bench plan on a granite plate   from PWW (local .pdf)

FWW 232 p24 flattening the back of an iron
150 grit then 320 600 1000
use heat gun to soften sandpaper adhesive before removal

Hot Dogs

video on making grip for using low angle block plane with shooting board that functions like a hot dog but isn't hot dog shaped

pdf on making a hot dog for a veritas low angle jack that is friction fit because side is tapered. my Lie-Nielsen hot dog will need a set screw. Local .pdf search for "A Hotdog for the LV LAJ.pdf"

Lie-Nielsen reviews

Lie-Nielsen Convex-sole Block Plane     PWW 2005-12 pdfp38 p64     PWW 2005-08 pdfp16 p24

Lie_Nielsen Medium Shoulder Plane PWW 2006-08 pdfp21 p28

Lie-Nielsen No. 4 1/2 Smoothing Plane PWW 2005-08 pdfp19 p29

Lie-Nielsen 25th Anniversary FWW 0188 pdfp86 p86

Mouth Opening Setting

video on using tape to set mouth opening on smoothing plane



Planes - Misc

FWW 0204 pdfp30 Handplaning 101
same issue pdfp46 Plane like a Pro

Popular Woodworking 217 (April 2015).pdf   pdfp12 p10 to set the chipbreaker to a precise depth, tape a feeler gauge to surface, put edge of iron on surface and marry iron back to feeler gauge then slide chipbreaker down

Howard adjusters (knobs with bearings for Lie-Nielsen planes)
orig link I found is now 404 was Henry Eckert Toolworks   
this thread Derek from Australia discusses them - probably where I first heard of them
found woodbywright which seems to have high quality and makes several sizes

rank meaning of planes

easy to understand plane information

AMWW Jan 2013 pdfp71 using a backer board to prevent spelching when planing rails & stiles

bench stop for super thin stock    3/4" dowel with credit card planing stop secured with glue and brass tack, add more cards from bottom to make thicker stop

Troubleshooting a Bench Plane 28 minute video by Chris Schwarz

jig for holding box/drawer for plaining pins FWW 0234 pdfp16

Handplanes for beginners PWW Jun 2007 pdfp48 p70

Christopher Schwartz on using bench planes with machinery to speed your work [Popular Woodworking Feb 2006] pdfp24

when planing end grain, this post from fear_atropos sugggests spray misting with rubbing alcohol.
in PWW Apr 2010 pdfp 14 p12, denatured alcohol is also recommeneded, especially for ring-porous woods (e.g. oak , hickory and ash) though it states any liquid woould work. they prefer alchol because it is low on VOC scale and doesn't rust tools.

Spill Planes were used to make shavings that were used to transfer flame from one place to another and can make very long shavings.


Low Angle Smoothing Planes - review of Veritas and discussion of Stanley 164 and low angle in General - PWW 2004-08 p29

Oil Wick to lubricate bottom of plane PWW 2005-10 pdfp43 p61
socks in a can with a wood surround. Use mineral oil or raw linseed oil (but not boiled linseed oil as that may spontaneously combust)

Paul Seller's video on making a rag-in-a-can oiler






Shoulder Plane setup and use FWW 0187 pdfp65


PWW Feb 2002 pdfp12    use paper at ends to set blade to about a thousandth

Shopnotes 88 p7 chamfer jig for block plane


Preparing Rough Sawn Lumber

good video on using jointer plane on long lumber with deadman and edge plane similar to mine

see also woodworking#stock preparation

PWW Christopher Schwarz Using Fore Plane (No. 6) rather than roughing plane to flatten a board by planing across the grain (local .pdf)

When planing to thickness, remove roughly the same amount from each side to prevent cupping FWW 0221 pdfp82

Preparing Rough Lumber with hand tools FWW 239 pdfp24

Precision Edge-jointing by Hand (with a long plane) PWW 2004-02 p92 pdfp72

Plane Rack #plane til

FWW 0265 pdfp45 unenclosed shelves and tool holders

Mike Pekovich's Hanging Tool Cabinet video   FWW 0237 p32    specifics on plane till is on p35    links to video series    other plane till videos

[Popular Woodworking 2004 Oct] pdfp54 p72

[Wood Magazine 220] 2013-09 pdfp16 p14

Scraper Planes

setting up scrapers and scraper planes FWW 0304 p28

setting up scraper planes Woodsmith 184 p10

Scraper planes and cabinet scrapers FWW 0189 pdfp70 p70

convert a low angle block plane into a scraper plane with a different iron FWW 0188 pdfp110

Spring Joints

Notes from FWW video "Video: Creating a spring joint with a handplane" by Bob Van Dyke

Side Rabbet Plane

easy jig for setting projection video

Stanley Bailey vs Bed Rock

very detailed informaton on differences at

very detailed historical information on all models of Stanley Planes by Patrick Leach

Woodworker's journal on the cost of modern high quality hand planes vs. original Stanley Planes   

Techniques for flat and square stock

FWW 0191 pdfp32 p32

Toothed Blades

PWW oct 2009 pdfp33

Veritas reviews

Veritas Shoulder Plan review (for large, I have medium) PWW 2004-12 pdfp14 p27

Veritas Bevel-up Bench Planes PWW 2005-12 pdfp39 p65

Veritas rpouter plane review PWW Feb 2006 pdfp14


last updated:    Sun 2025-02-16 6:46 AM