
jigs    - gripper    
jigs    - misc

Fine Woodworkingvideo series: cool jig for picture frames     and .pdf     local

home made power feeder using cordless drill  

AMWW Dec 2010 p10 add blocks to jaws of clamp on tool guide    [2025-01-23 no idea what this means; this is the wrong location; not pww nor fwweither]

woodsmith 234 pdfp 8    door setting jig that would be good for french cleats too

ShopNotes pdfp7 p7 glue a dowel onto block and mount light to it, then put it in dog holes

Shop-made Pinch Rods at Popular Woodworking

Thin workpiece Planing Board video

13 Dirt-Simple Woodworking Jigs You Need | Family Handyman

circular saw edge guide    
circular saw base with replaceable insert PWW Feb 2006 pdpf9 p20

drawer holder for planing after assembly (e.g. box joint or dovetails) AMWW Nov 2012 pdfp10

Family Handyman's 13 simple jigs

home made crank & chain mechanism to make adjustable height bench Am Woodworker "September, 2008.pdf" p12

home made scaffold pick / plank torsion box Shopnotes 93 pdfp21

crazy horse dolly for moving plywood around shop then supporting it at tablesaw    1   2   3   4     thread    video

jig to make blood groove (aka "juice groove") in cutting board using 4 corner clamps similar to the ones I have
video of similar

tablesaw finger saver with handscrew

Precision Planing Jig for miter splines but useful elsewhere too (local .pdf)

kerf jigs for lining up circ & jig saw Aug 2010 PWW p14

chamfers gauge shopnotes 31 p30

"Dado Jig is a Cut Above" FWW 0226 pdfp64    adjustable width with clamps on bottom so not in router's way

featherboard clamp that fits in miter gauge slot allows changing of angle FWW 0223 p15

square assembly jig 120 pdfp7

dado jig 2 piece that has slanted edge to allow easy width adjustment by sliding FWW 0219 PDFP15

Working Small - jigs to handle small parts PWW 2004-12 p86

Danish guy in video with technique probably similar accuracy to parf without expense    thread where I found it

board and small slab flattening jig for router with groves on sides and crossmembers with toggle clamps
"Jigs & Fixtures for the Table Saw & Router best of woodworker's journal wwj.pdf" pdfp76

routing with a jointer "Jigs & Fixtures for the Table Saw & Router best of woodworker's journal wwj.pdf" pdfp70

micro adjusts

micro-adjust using square nuts to make it easier to count turns (local .png)
simple micro adjust for table saw fence August_2009_PW pdfp10

micro adjuster for router table fence using eyebolt to contact fence fww 0241 pdfp 16

router table micro adjuster Shopnotes 138 p 4
has stop bolt to return to prior setting

micro-adjust for router table fence Shopnotes 88 p6

Micro-Jig GRR-Ripper


sizes orientation images
1/8" < x < 2 7/8" 1/8" side leg (green) against fence replace 1 leg to install
replace 1 leg to install color
instructions .pdf
min_max image 6
color pic with balance support
1/4" < x < 5/8" 1/4" leg against fence, blade on fence side of center leg
[b&w drawing "always keep gripper against fence" - just for this operation?]

color drawing
min_max image 1   
b&w drawing

5/8" < x < 3 1/4" 1/2" leg against fence; blade on right side of center leg outside offcut not supported
min_max image 2    
color pic
< 4 1/4" Adjustable Spacer attached to 1/2" leg against fence min_max image 4
< 5 1/4" Balance Support attached to 1/2" leg against fence min_max image 3    
color pic balance support to 1/2" against fence
< 9 1/4" Stabilizing plate under Balance Support attached to 1/4" leg against fence min_max image 5
< 10" Adjustable Spacer attached to 1/4" leg against fence
Handle Bridge and Deflector/Connector
1/4" leg on outside attached to Balance Support
min_max image 7
< 14" Stabilizing plate under Adjustable Spacer attached to 1/4" leg against fence
Handle Bridge and Deflector/Connector
1/4" leg on outside attached to Balance Support
min_max image 8
as wide as necessary
User-Built Jointing/Cross Cut Bridge over
Stabilizing plate under Adjustable Spacer attached to 1/4" leg against fence
(see pdfp 9 of "MinMaxCutWidth.pdf")
(see pdfp 11 of "early version shows jointing bridge GRmanualv4-2sp.pdf")
min_max image 9
< 16" long 1 GRR-Ripper  
16" < x < table saw length + overhang
using "user built connecting bridge"
use 2 grippers, dist from front of first to back of second must be < table saw table length [my grizzly is 27" table depth]
(see pdfp 13 of "early version shows jointing bridge GRmanualv4-2sp.pdf")
b&w drawing overview
b&w drawing w/ dimensions
16" < x leapfrog one over the other color drawing
color pic from gravity heel package
deflector connector   side by side for up to 13" wide workpiece uses 2 d/c
alternate side by side for wide workpiece uses 2 d/c
2 units end to end uses 1 d/c

2 units side by side uses 1 d/c
pattern routing guard
miters in the manual, they show a dangerous cut: right tilt saw doing a bevel with the fence to the right of the blade; ok to do similar if left tilt like I have  
dados and non-through cuts don't need to have unit edge against fence [from handle instructions]
dados, PARTIAL edge profile (e.g. roundover), bits with bearing guide
b&w drawing
coping sled   color pic   
color pic from gravity heel package
gravity heel [longer ones are for router, shorter for table saw] color pic
color pic I apparently mislabelled gravity heel     
color drawing   
doesn't need to touch table top from grav heel package
trailing hook similar to gravity heel but stationary color drawing   
longer user made for reduced splintering [handle instrux]
edge routing full profile   color pic - using balance support no flat plate   
color pic - using balance support w/ flat plate seems better
edge routing full profile L spacer allows you to get full profile cuts without fine adjustments or shimming fences color drawing overview
color drawing showing dimensions
pattern routing   color drawing
pattern routing for zero clearance insert from dvd color pic
slotting   color drawing
slotting / edge routing example is for decorative chair leg bottom color pic
resawing on table saw   color pic   
color drawing
resawing on band saw on side with adjustable spacer on bottom (source) color pic
color pic with grav heel but no adj spacer
dowel slotting   color drawing
jointing   color drawing
color pic with gravity heel
jointing bridge to make; allows cutting a straight edge on wider workpiece
color drawing overview
color drawing showing dimensions
balance support apparently ok to not capure offcut if using balance support to keep level color drawing    
b&w drawing
to make

> max thickness of workpiece - slotted below adj spacers inline connected
> max thickness of workpiece over 2"?- screwed into adj spacer one unit
> max width of workpiece - spacer between unit and fence
see "jointing bridge"  & "user built connecting bridge" & "trailing hook"

color pic    
color pic    color drawing of same  another
color drawing
[search above]

min_max cut width.pdf    
manual v7.2
manual v4.2    
handle bridge kit     p1   p2
gravity heel kit     p1   p2    p3   
deflector connector    p1   p2


notes from 2024-04-22


handle bridge kit pdfp 2 longer trailing hook so no tearout
early version pdfp13 connecting bridge between 2 grippers
  pdfp14 L shaped spacer for router
  pdfp 10 spacer for thicker stock
  pdfp 11 jointing
min max cut widths    
[fill in info here]    


search for "ripper" to find Micro-Jig GRR-Ripper pushblock files #gripper
\woodworking\000 techniques and specific tools\tablesaw\GRR-Ripper 3D pushblock #gripper push block


youtube version of full instructional video
10:40 if you remove the balance support completely, you can put the 1/2" leg against the fence and use the 1/4" leg to control the offcut side and this will give a rip capacity
of approximately 3"

11:16 for ripping 3" - to 5" put the balance support on the 1/2" leg against the fence

11:37 accessories

12:00 1/8" leg
13:18 typical installation is on outside of existing leg (but can also install by replacing one of the legs)


14:28 handle bridge kit

16:14 deflector connector

17:09 gravity heel kit
made to be cut
19:14 when cutting a piece where the offcut side isn't very big and there isn't enough material there for the green grip on the center leg to grab it gravity heel can be used to support it all the way through the cut

32:01 using it as a coping sled by mounting board to bottom

33:28 if using only a portion of bit and top of bit is higher than the top of the workpiece

34:45 routing a groove into edge of piece that is taller than it is wide using the stabilizer plate


Gluing and Assembly Jigs and Helpers

steam bending using pvc pipe and a rice steamer FWW 0221 pdfp16

specs on pegboard hooks I bought to make shelves & custom hangers list the Hillman H851860 as 0.225" in diameter
which is 9/40"

29/128 = 0.2265

Router Forum's "Router Thingamajig" home built version of the the router lathe / router crafter. (thread has 357 posts)

perfectly locating t-nuts fww 275 p16
drill hole all the way through workpiece into board below, then place dowel in hole in board, remount workpiece and drill counterbore

relatively small panel saw like jig for crosscutting plywood   Shopnote 90 p6


keyhole jig Wood mag Oct 2023

sawtooth hangers wood mag Oct 2023


last updated:    Fri 2025-02-21 7:35 AM