The Whatever Bites Gamefishin' Fishin' Club
aka The Gamefish Fly Fishing Fisherman's Club Of Western Pennsylvania And Northeast Ohio (TGFFFCOWPANO)


child pages:

Casting Techniques & Rigging includes leders and tippet sizes [sub-page]

Knots [sub-page]

Fishing Tips [sub-page]
Fish Species [sub-page]

Flow Readings

Fly Patterns [sub-page]
Gear fishing     
Hook sizes
Insects - Mayflies, Caddisflies & Stoneflies [sub-page]
Landing Fish without a net [sub-page]
Lessons with Dan P.

Locations [sub-page]

rod case to make someday    
Split Shot & keeping it in place
Tools [subpage off Fishing Knots ]
Two Handed / Spey
Tying Flies [sub-page]
Waders and fixing leaks


flow readings:


Chagrin flow   
Grand flow  
Conneaut flow
Elk Creek (Brandy Run) flow
Wlanut Creek
Oil Creek flow  
Youghiogheny River below Confluence, PA
Yough Dam flow  precipitation
Yough Ohiopyle flow  


fly fisherman online subscription  


George Daniel youtube videos


This is Fly Daily   

Trout and steelhead .net



Gear Fishing


putting line on a spinning rod

from eamil I sent to myself 2014-11-29 but not added to www until 2023-08-29 - don't know original source
For a spinning reel (the kind that hangs down underneath the rod), you place the supply reel on the floor. You need to determine whether to place it label side up, or down, in order to minimize introducing line twists during the loading process. This needs to be done for every supply reel, as the direction the line has been loaded can vary from reel to reel, even among the same brands of line. The following 3 [sub]steps detail how to determine which side of the supply reel should face up.
a)     Determine correct spool direction:
i)       Look down at the top of your spinning reel, and turn the handle as if you are retrieving the line. Note the direction that the bail rotates around the spool. Most spinning reels rotate in a clockwise direction.
ii)      Examine your supply spool, and find the end of the line (the lead). It may be secured by tape. Orient the supply spool so that the lead is at the top and the label is facing you.
iii)     If the lead is coming off the spool in a clockwise direction (i.e., if the free end of the line were an arrow, it would be point to your left), you want to place the supply reel on the floor label side up. Otherwise, you want to place it on the floor label side down. If your spinning reel turns in a counter-clockwise direction, you want to reverse this.
b)     First lift the bail arm so it will loop line as you reel and then run the end of the new line up through the rod guides to the reel, and tie onto the spool. Once the line is tied onto the spool lower the bail arm.
c)      Hold the line between two fingers to keep it taut as you reel a couple of feet onto the reel.
d)     Stop reeling and dip the rod toward the spool on the floor. If the line twists onto itself, turn the spool over before putting more line on. If the line is okay, go ahead and finish. 
i)       For a spinning reel, a good way to spool the line is to take a soft cotton cloth and hold the line in the cloth at about the first eye. Apply a good amount of tension, so the line does not spool loose, and you can real as fast as you like.
e)     Fill the reel only until it is about a quarter inch from the rim.



Hook sizes


TMC hooks - see p2 for dry fly sizes
this post points to    1     2      other good info in 3


Mustead sizes (not as nice) from here



Lessons with Dan P. and results


Dan 2024-07-08

1.Grip:thumb down the back
2. Slower start up on both back and forward Cast
3. Stab the sky on backcast
4. Let line hand drift back near reel on backcast after haul
5. Do not let go of line to soon on forward cast, wait until you see it going away from u
6. Forward cast take arm and elbow back where they started
7. Timing is everything, don’t let the line start to fall/drop on the backcast. Watch it with an open stance amd when it’s 3/4 extended start slowly with forward motion then accelerate to clean stop


Fly Fishing 101 2024-07-27

  1. 6 wt on 5 wt rod in our area common because short casts make loading rod togh w 5wt
  2. match leader size to fly weight not rod size, fish size, etc
  3. Dan says 0x leader for nymphing steelhead (and trout i think); only add tippet to get back to orig length eg 9' don't put tippet until at 7' to get back to 9'
    (at least for new fly fisherman in the class)
  4. shorten strike to tighten a wide loop
  5. bottom on my loop is wigedty because rod tip is swinging out on back cast. keep rod in 1 vertical plane

Dan 2024-08-20

1. begin haul on back cast just after low pick up

2. on forward cast don't begin haul until after forward stroke begins

3. i sometimes don't pause long enough before starting forward cast

4. several times he mentioned i cheat forward before starting forward stroke. i should actually reach further back a bit or at minimum i should stay in constant location




PSU 2022 article from GoErie   (local .pdf pics of Joe Humphreys and George Daniel didn't make it)   
George Harvey started the fly fishing program in the 1930's
became a credited course 1947–the first of its kind in the U.S. 
Joe Humphreys 95ish born 1929 led the fly fishing program at Penn State for 19 years renamed for him "Joe Humphreys Fly Fishing Program"

George Daniel 44ish   December 2019 he became lead instructor and director of its fly fishing program


funny video street streamer tyer 7WT vs dry fly shop owner


throwing a castnet

birds eating lead    2   3

fishing rod holder


custom case                    shopnotes 57 p.24
toolbox                            woodsmith 183 p. 31
steamer case                    woodsmith 73 p6
underbed storage box      woodsmith 125 p20


Split Shot


Troutbitten on keeping split shot from sliding


backing barrel to keep shot in place and using it as a sighter


Dr. Slick split shot pliers "split shot clamp"








Two Handed / Spey


list of casts to use for upriver wind v downriver wind for each side


Notes from 2023-08-27 Jeff Liskay lesson
sweep outside and away (think stake exercise)

continue upwards lift as sweep around, except when we did double spey (maybe) , it was lift to 45 then pause
double spay off left shoulder hold left hand on top just barely flick line upstream so setting anchor on downstream side

at one point - I don't remember which cast - I had to start my rod tip closer to the

pull then stop with bottom hand

sonar sinking leaders


for 10' that Jeff said I should always use - mfg page

color sink rate item num
willow (tan) float 142069
pale green hover 1 ips 142076
light blue intermediate 1.5 ips 142083
dark green sink 3 ips 142090
charcoal sink 6 ips 142106

circle c

blurry video that shows path well

is snap c and circle c the same cast?
Ian Gordon (larger Scottish guy) video on where starting the circle while still pointed downstream will avoid L and keep d loop out of obstacles near bank


Single Spey


Simon Gawesworth, British guy who did the Rio Single Spey video and also does Far Bank videos
Rio Single Spey video   part of Rio Spey playlist

2:50 path is skier at bottom of precipice he climbs is vertical (not a drift lift which is up at same time as horizontal, thus diagonal tip path)
3:25 second, skier skis to down the mountainat 45 degrees. no pause between vertical lift and start of second motion.

4:10 anchor shoule be one rod length away at 4:19 maybe 15 degrees upstream, see 5:00 for little spash in correct location and path of cast is straight across
5:10 mistake Ausie style is when skier is at top of lift then doesn't have 45 path towards water but instead is straight across. this results in bloody l

snake roll


Rio video with Simon Gawesworth

0:30 use when downstream wind or no wind at all

downstream hand is on top

not for skagit

try with but section large lowercase e on chalkboard, but at end lift to key position

pause at key position for line to kiss water, then fire forward stroke
4:30 good description of the two portions of the forward stroke 1 loading move 2 pivot move

5:15 slow middle fast pace

8:40 touch and go timing needs to be quick, shouldn't be rooster tail

10:25 circle size to keep anchor in correct place depends on amount of line out


super long caster


Tim Arsenault of Bridge Fly Fishing Products

right handed      left handed     the lift

Waders and fixing leaks


good article - start by turning inside out


ORVIS: How to Repair Your Fishing Waders video



last updated:    Thu 2025-02-13 6:46 AM