child pages:
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Patterns and what species they imitate
Brown Dun Mayfly Nymph
swimmers, small crawlers, clingers and burrower summary local .html
Flyfisherman article "Game of Nods" on emergers of different Mayfly types
1 2 3 4 5 common names of mayflies patterns with bug image and recommended flies
Meck Hatch chart
species index at nearctica
Family Ephemeridae (Hexes and Big Drakes)
(1) Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
(2) Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
(3) Class Insecta (Insects)
(4) Order Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)
(5) Family Ephemeridae (Hexes and Big Drakes)
[Genus in Ephemeridae:]
(6) Genus Ephemera
(6) Genus Hexagenia
(6) Genus Litobrancha
Mayflies of Lake Erie site with historic hatch dates Canadian Soldiers = Hexagenia
2009 Lake Erie OH article
very detaield Ohio Sea Grant Article related to Lake Erie Mayflies (local)
2021 cutting power to streetlights in Put-In-Bay area to reduce swarms
midges are what attacked Joba Chamberlain in 2007
NY Times 2021 article on midge swarms
many people mislabel muffleheads (= non-biting midges of the family Chironomidae) as Canadian Soldiers - this was the insect that gave Joba Chamberlain the business in 2007 ALDS at the Jake.
Purdue's Mayfly Central showing all(?) North American Mayfly species
2014 at Rocky River
three main Mayfly species in Lake Erie:
Hexagenia limbata often simply "Hex"; most common Hexagenia on Lake Erie; second largest mayfly in US
Hexagenia rigida "Great Olive Winged Drake", more localized, later in season that limbata
Ephemera simulans "Brown Drake"; hatch is 3-5 days at twilight and early night then moves upriver; mainly found in midwest starting in mid May or early June to end of June, but also much of continental US
select other Ephemeridate:
Hexagenia atrocaudata "Late Hex"; fishable hatches in Augst Wisconsin rivers and Catskills
Litobrancha recurvata "Dark Green Drake"; previously Hex but moved; largest US mayfly
Ephemera guttulata "Green Drake"; short hatch
Ephemera varia "Yellow Drake"; slow and steady emergence period, providing consistent low-key action for several midsummer weeks
Canadian Soldier = "White Mayfly" per Meck (Trout Streams and hatches of Pennsylvanina or Pocketguide to Pensylvania Hatches) 3rd ed. p. 287, but that seems incorrect.
Troutnut lists (5) Family Polymitarcyidae (White Flies) (6) Genus Ephoron (White Flies) and Ames Hatch Guide for New England Streams p. 130 shows same as "White Fly, White Mayfly"
last updated: Wed 2022-12-07 4:13 PM