child pages:

page index:

Arbor Knots
Blood Knot    
Bobber Knot
Clinch Knot and other terminal tackle knots
Davy & Double Davy

Knot Strengths

Misc Knots

Orvis Knot
Perfection Loop     
(for knot tying) I own and their instructions

Uni-Knot aka Duncan Loop

Orvis knot page                                                   both animated and videos for each   page on         good list and descriptions but animations were flash video so now dead                                              good list detailing uses, etc with animations still live
globalflyfisher illustrated table    (local .pdf)           lists Orvis knot at 95% and Trilene Knot at 100%;    uni-knot shown as duncan loop   
intheriffle video landing page                                 2022-03-04 need to check it out

Arbor Knots

arbor knot

Grinner spool knot


Blood Knot

blood knot youtube video  

blood knot to a hook animated video   

blood knot pic

Bobber Knot

bobber stop nail not without a tool      (local .pdf) 

bobber stop pic

Clinch Knot and other Terminal Tackle Knots

 improved ~98%   standard ~59%(?)

clinch knot video   



Infinity Tippet Knot

Eugene Bend Knot


Davy & Double Davy

per Orvis on this now 404 page:
works best for small flies and tippet (e.g. 6x tippet)
use 6x tippet for size 18 and smaller as with 4x for size 16 the knot won’t close properly

behind infront behind infront behind:  

infront behind infront behind infront   

youtube video by Zach Mathews, especially good for 6x tippet     local .html screen captures of the video: davy knot the easy way

double davy animation

animatedknots page

midcurrent video on davy knot and double davy knot  


George Daniel video dropper system using double surgeons as stopper then (empty) clinch above it

Australian guy showing loop method to make dropper

Knot Strengths

knot strengths

knot strengths 2

Nail Knot

not positive, but this looks like nail knot


Orvis Knot

orvis knot video good for dry flies, near 100%; remember behind    then behind    then behind behind (double wrap)

listed at 95% on

Perfection Loop

perfection loop around a hook video animation  

good perfection loop video that is easier to see

a video on another loop that looks easy to tie


Cinch Tie tool instruction booklet       .html with links to each page
.html page with all booklet images
for bobber knot, clinch knot, double clinch, improved clinch, blood snell, grip knot, hook snell, improved surgeons, end loop knot (aka spider hitch), nail knot, rapala knot
youtube video (long)
2:28 Improved Clinch p6
3:58 New Improved Clinch p5
5:45 Rapala Knot p5
7:35 Rapala Knot for Fly Fishing
9:08 Trilene Knot - twice through eye
11:14 Double Clinch - twice through eye
13:09 End Loop Knot (Spider Hitch) p7
14:05 Improved Surgeon "Tying Leaders & Tippets"
15:55 Snelling Tip p11
16:29 Nail Knot p13 18:30 book says use fingers to slide off 18:50 he yanks it off
20:30 Clinch Knot p3
continues with Tru-Blood Knot Tyer

cinch tie knot tyer video   

nail knot youtube video on tool like my brass one skip to ~4:30 his is actually from Orvis for $17 on Amazon

dead: nail knot using tool (local .pdf

orvis tippet knot using cinch tie (bottom video, actuall uses 3-1 knot tying tool)   

similar tool youtube video 

Tru-Blood Knot Tyer

instructions local.pdf

youtube video

Longer video with better description
23:45 end of first wrap
I noticed that at the end the tag can get caught in the knot and ruin everything. Use 6" instead of 10" listed in the original instructions.

New Zealand Strike Indicator Tool

Red's Fly Shop video on entire rig

George Daniel 30 min video

video screen captures came from



Uni-Knot aka Duncan Loop

other names for uni-knot:    Duncan Loop, Paragum Knot , Duncan Knot, Hangman's Knot, Grinner Knot, and Grapevine Knot

good video on single and double uni-knot uni-knot
uni knot on wikipedia   
detailed uni description & images                     local .html downloaded from was originally here   

joining 2 lines with double uni (local.jpg)    

variation called Uni-Clinch


double turrel with video - good for keeping salmon fly with upturned hook straight in line with tippet

twisted loop dropper video
cat's paw video for tying on a ring or swivel   

many fly to tippet knots with  many other categories

several on one page from angelfire  
(local .pdf)     
improved clinch using tool similar to my brass tool  at 1:40; surgeon's / tippet knot at 2:25 
big game fly line loop using Tiefast - slip knot off tool at 1:30 

twisted dropper loop
tony jones leader fishing knot video   
sliding snell video   
common snell video 
haywire twist video    
flemish twist video   
centauri knot video   
bimini twist video   
new line on spinning rod  

nail knot video using Tiefast  
improved blood knot (
local video use Nero)

albright video   
barrel knot - according to
this site: Do not confuse the barrel knot with the Double Four Fold Blood Knot. The Barrel Knot wraps its line towards the centre of the knot, whereas the Double Four Fold Blood Knot wraps away from the centre.
up eye vs down eye
attaching a trout bead with a stopper knot wrapped around shank of bare hook video at 3:23




last updated:    Thu 2024-12-12 6:17 AM