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Shortcut Key combinations

Windows Key shortcut keycombinations on this page

Windows 11

Windows Media Player


Windows Misc

2024-12-29 13 things you didn't know you could do with Task Manager might be helpful in troubleshooting Big Mike's file transfer sluggishness
to see process using most of a particular resource such as disk, it may be easier to open resource monitor (there is a button in task manager)

Msinfo32.exe (System Information tool) to see information sometimes hard to find in device manager

mouse gets stuck for a moment between monitors - solution is to readjust to remove tiny gap between windows
found solution here

how to calibrate your windows monitor

windows explorer searching

microsoft help

Notes: ~ is the literal string indicator and what follows has to match the entire file name

using Everything search utility is easier, but if insisting, use
to find all files (not sure if modified or created) between the MM/DD/YY

free upgrade to windows 11 and rufus tool to get around hardware requirements

pc magazine article     zdnet article    

temp fix for Windows Explorer not refreshing

As a temporary fix I use Themes > Desktop Icon Settings > change anything and hit Apply. But the issue resurfaces after a few days. Does anyone have a solution?

2024-07-11 It appears the issue I thought I was seeing on the scanner desktop was not exactly that the new file wasn't showing up in the JUST_SCANNED directory.
Rather, today I discovered that if the front button on the scanner is pressed, the new file is displayed in JUST_SCANNED, but always at the bottom, thus when sort is Date Desc (newest files at top) all files are shown but the newest isn't where it is supposed to be. When there are many files, this can't be seen because focus doesn't go to the new file, thus the window doesn't scroll. Try it with only a couple files in the directory and it is easy to see.
NOTE: It appears that clicking the scan button in the window does result in the window showing the files in the selected sort order including the new file in the correct location in the sort

getting Recent Folders in Save As Dialog

Search for "Download pin" on this page, download the .reg and run it. Then follow the next link to restart explorer without restarting Windows. Original page that pointed me to it was here.

turn off Caps Lock inidcator

2023-12-21 There was an annoying on screen indicator when caps lock or num lock was pressed that often covered the edit box I was typing in

After some searching, I found this post by google image search that gives the surprising answer the indication is coming from the logitech software installed with the M720 mouse. Go to Start->Logi->Logi Options->Settings Gear icon->scroll to Notifications just below Color Theme pics->Caps lock, Num lock, Scroll loc and Fn lock notifications and move the radio button to off

turn on mouse bullseye locator with control button

Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Devices & Printers->Mouse (opens "Mouse Properties" dialog->Pointer Options Tab->Visibility group box->Show lcoation of pointer when I press the CTRL key

quick cleanup

Windows temp files cleanup is useful for quickly getting some free hdd space (particularly on work vdi)
settings->system->storage->temporary files

grouping old files by day rather than "last year"

this post (see cosined entry 2015-12-12) has a workaround to use libraries

other library info:
- remove a folder from a library    
- show libraries: File Explorer, select the View tab, and then select Navigation pane > Show libraries.

bluetooth adapter turns off due to powersaving

setttings->search for "bluetooth & other devices" -> Related Settings group box (may be along rightmost edge of window or towards bottom of window)->More Bluetooth options-> Hardware tab -> double click the bluetooth adapter such as "Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R)")-> General tab->Change Settings->Power Management tab -> uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off the deivce to save power"
Note that "TP-Link Bluetooth 5.0 USB Adapter" dongle doesn't have the Power Management tab (though it doesn't seem to turn off power either so maybe no need to have the tab)
update - i did the above and it seemed to work but the bluetooth mouse itself then started going to sleep so I followed the instructions in part 3 of this article

USB won't allow removal of thumb drive "device is currently in use"

per this article, "...quick removal feature is the default setting for each new drive you plugin as of Windows 10 version 1809. So if you are using Windows 10 version 1809, you don't need to eject your USB flash drive anymore..."

this Microsoft post says to find the culprit in ProcessExplorer, but there isn't one

Windows 11 new features and customizations

PC Mag article

resource issues on Dad's old inspiron 2023-04-18

Windows Modules Installer Worker 100% disk usage - open services.msc, change it to Manual then restart

Microsoft Store Install service
Diagnostic Policy Service


CompatTelRunner.exe and another
also closed some others

see this article about getting windows 10 score in command line to generate .xml file

moving window to other monitor

plugging in vga first (changed after I went to new vertical monitor)
shift + Win + right arrow moves window to View Sonic
shift + Win + left arrow moves window to display port vertical monitor
Win + home     Minimize all windows except the one you're working on, to banish distractions. Press it again to bring all the windows back.

fix icons for images in Explorer instead of thumbnails

2023-03-14 showing thumbnails in explorer rather than icons
did this in work java vdi within vdi where i have admin privledges
found this post that describes first getting the "Always show icons, never thumbnails" option to show up
1. Click Start and type cmd in the search box. Right-click and select Run as administrator.
2. Copy and paste the command below into the Command Prompt window and press Enter:
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v DisableThumbnails /t REG_DWORD /d 0
Note: After pressing Enter, you will receive a message saying The operation completed successfully
3. Open control panel, then seach for advanced system settings and open it.
4. On the Advanced tab, click Settings in the Performance group box, then click Show Thumbnails instead of icons.

this app has been blocked for your protection & enabling gpedit.msc group policy editor on Windows 10 Home

when installing the software (or maybe the drivers) that were on the internet, Windows 10 gives "this app has been blocked for your protection". this can be avoided by makeing a change in gpedit.msc = the group policy editor as described here
but first on Windows 10 Home, one must get access to the gpedit.msc files that are installed but not ready to use. See this page at, where I download pedit-Enabler.bat

@echo off
@echo "This batch file from MajorGeeks.Com will enable Group Policy Editor (Gpedit.msc) on Windows 10 Home."
@echo "If this method fails, there are other methods to try at"
pushd "%~dp0"

dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >List.txt
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>List.txt

for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . List.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"

2023-01-29    renaming a bluetooth device

it appears the rename only can be done when the device is connected, but it doesn't show up until it is disconnected then reconnected.
control panel->(view by category) Hardware and Sound->Devices and Printers
tried a bunch of things here but wasn't sure which actually worked
maybe right click device -> properties ->Bluetooth tab-> change name in edit box and click apply then disconnect and reconnect
got idea from this post (see 2016-01-16) had actually found this post that pointed to it
" This worked for me as well. You need to have the device connected to change the name but it will not change until you turn off the connected blue tooth device. Once it is changed it will stay until you change it again"

Windows voice recognition

2022-12-08 Voice recognition in Windows    Windows + H to start     

when it gets stuck on initializing, this post indicates task manager should be used to kill "Microsoft Text Input Application"

best free software per PC Magazine

2022-12-07 upgrade to Windows 11 for free from PC Magazine

folder showed multiple times in windows explorer

2022-05-10 windows 10 lock screen is New Zealand South Island Archway Islands, Wharariki cave

2022-04-27 where lock screen photo wallpapers are taken    

2022-04-24 removing a windows update (had to do this in the past when the update broke the printer driver)    1    2

2022-04-27 Windows Explorer focus to navigation pane on the left     from
Win+E  Ctrl+D   Tab   Tab

win 11 taskbar

Windows 11 taskbar
Start 11 utility for Windows 11 seems to have much of the same featuers as 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (for which I have no information on whether it works in Win 11 or not)




2022-03-13 turn off displayport audio



2021-09-22 win 10 recent folders in quick access (not recent items, not frequentfolders)
in File Explorer vavigate to shell:::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99} which opens recent folders then right click and Pin to Quick Access
found this info at


2021-09 stylish css to make links red and green:

a:link {
    color: green;
    text-decoration: underline;

/* visited link */
a:visited {
    color: red;

/* mouse over link */
a:hover {
    color: Fuchsia;


2021-06 On old Dell laptops, the touchpad won't turn off, even if change to a bad driver for it. I found this post that recommended TouchFreeze which turns off the click of the touchpad until a fraction of a second after a keypress. Very effective workaround.

2020-06-17 windows update caused Brother printer to stop working  "2020-05 Cumulative UPdate for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based systems (KB4560960)"
Item would show up in print queue for a moment, then disappear
see this article and this article from Microsoft that claims is fixed now in KB4567512.

create a restore point     how to easily rotate a video


fonts and unicode chars    Win 7 Search Results Path   XP Mode in Windows 7

determine what windows device is malfunctioning

msinfo32.exe - one stop shopping for windows, hardware, software, etc. information 
WIN XP C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe
WIN 7 C:\Windows\system32\msinfo32.exe [not found by SearchEverything but is found by run button for 'System Information']

Windows 7 search criteria    
search between 2 dates   datemodified:‎3/19/2005 .. ‎3/‎21/‎2005    or    datemodified:>=‎4/‎1/‎2016<=‎4/‎15/‎2016

Collapse Windows Explorer folders by default (right click folder, choose "Collapse")

Windows 8

recording Windows sounds using loopback

free Windows 10 upgrade download article

browser hotkeys for Youtube  local

Windows Chrome link colors using Stylist extension   Navigate to chrome://extensions/   click on Stylist then details   click Extension options  click Styles tab->Add New Style   check all sites
A:visited { color: red ! important }
A:link {color: royalblue;}


windows shortcuts

Microsoft    huge list of shortcuts

Windows 11 sleep shortcut not working. nots sure why i saved this link as I haven't yet installed Windows 11

Windows Key shortcut keycombinations

2022-04-18 shortcuts from this pcmag article
1. Windows Key-Shift-S: Take Screenshots
2. Windows Key-V: Paste History
3. Windows Key-. (period): Special Characters
4. Windows Key-Tab: Task View
5. Windows Key-H: Voice Typing    more on Windows 10 dictation
6. Ctrl-Windows Key-Left/Right Arrow: Switch Desktop
7. Windows Key-D: Show the Desktop
8. Ctrl-Shift-Esc: Task Manager
9. Windows Key-G: Game Bar
10. Windows Key-L: Lock Screen
11. Windows Key-I: Settings
12. Windows Key (alone): Start Menu
13. Windows Key-E: File Explorer
14. Windows Key-W: Widgets
15. Windows Key-A: Quick Settings
16. Windows Key-N: Notifications
17. Windows Key-Z: Snap Layouts
18. Windows Key-Alt-Up Arrow: Resize to Half Screen
19. Windows Key-K: Cast Media
20. Windows Key-C: Chat in Teams

ones they missed that I like:
Win+Home: Minimize all but the active window [alternately, long click the title bar of the window and shake it left and right]
Win+X: Alternate start men that has text and doesn't have apps
Win+M: Minimize all windows
Win+Shift+M: restore all windows, may not work anymore
Win+Ctrl+F4: close virtual desktop window (automatically puts those running and open apps back on original desktop)  from here

2022-02-22 shortcut to make a new instance of word
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE"

2022-02-22 make a shortcut to lock windows "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation"

2021-09-26 hotkeys to put windows laptop to sleep
win + x


win + t to put focus on taskbar
or no focus window by show desktop
alt + f4
up arrow to select sleep

2024-12 it appears this may no longer work in Windows 11

win 10 start menu location = C:\Users\Rick\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
win 10 other start menul location C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
win 10 send to location = C:\Users\Rick\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo

2022-03-13 windows task view shortcuts

Windows Key + C Open Charms Menu
Windows Key + X Show Advanced Windows Settings Menu
Windows Key + Pause Break Display System Properties
Win + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, it switches to that app.]
Win + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)]
Win + +/- [Zoom in or out using Magnifier]

a bunch more

Windows 11 (and earlier versions)

2024-12 zdnet on TPM bypass for Win 11
"... check the configuration... Msinfo32.exe (System Information tool)"

2024-12 Win 11 now will run on unsupported hardware; here are the Microsoft guidelines; Win 10 support ends Oct 2025

2024-12 this zdnet article on upgrading "incomplatible hardware" to Win 11 points to this article on bypassing the checks

running Android apps in Windows 11 PCMag article

Windows 10

Info on Windows 10 free upgrade tied to lack of Assistant features in Windows 8    the acutal upgrade download at Microsoft

Windows Media Player

2022-03-13 windows media player shortcuts from here

Shortcut Action State
Ctrl + 1 Switches to library mode From any mode
Ctrl + 2 Switches to skin mode From any mode
Ctrl + 3 Switches to player mode From any mode except full screen
Ctrl + 7 Add to Play In library mode
Ctrl + 8 Add to Burn In library mode
Ctrl + 9 Add to Sync In library mode
Ctrl + A Selects everything in a list In the library or list
Ctrl + B Previous (Item or Chapter) With content playing
Ctrl + E Focus on Search text box and switch to library mode if not there  
Ctrl + F Next (Item or Chapter) With content playing
Ctrl + H Turn on/off shuffle mode  
Ctrl + J Eject In any mode
Ctrl + M Toggle menu bar in library In any mode
Ctrl + N Create playlist In library mode
Ctrl + O Shows Open Dialog In any mode
Ctrl + P Play/Pause Toggle With content queued up
Ctrl + Q Adds selected track to open list Default is Play list
Ctrl + S Stops Playback With content playing
Ctrl + T Turn on/off repeat mode In any mode
Ctrl + U Shows Open URL Dialog In any mode
Ctrl + W Stops playback With content playing or paused
Ctrl + Shift + B Rewinds playing content With DVD playing
Ctrl + Shift + C Caption On/Off Toggle Playing content which has captions
Ctrl + Shift + F Fast forwards playing content With content playing
Ctrl + Shift + G Play Speed Fast With content playing
Ctrl + Shift + N Play Speed Normal With content playing
Ctrl + Shift + S Play Speed Slow With content playing
Ctrl + Right Arrow Next playlist in playlist history Focus not on Seek bar
Ctrl + Left Arrow Previous playlist in playlist history Focus not on Seek bar
Ctrl + Right Arrow Skip forward (large increment) Focus on Seek bar
Ctrl + Left Arrow Skip backward (large increment) Focus on Seek bar
Shift + Right Arrow Skip forward (small increment) Focus on Seek bar
Shift + Left Arrow Skip backward (small increment) Focus on Seek bar
Right Arrow Skip forward Focus on Seek bar
Left Arrow Skip backward Focus on Seek bar
Ctrl + Click Resize player to image In Now Playing mode
Escape Return to Now Playing Full Screen Mode
F1 Opens Help file In any mode
F2 Edit meta data column In library mode with an item selected
F4 Switch view mode In library mode, focus in list view
F5 Refresh screen Focus on library or in online services
F6 Increases album art Focus in list view
Shift + F6 Decreases album art Focus in list view
F7 Mutes sound In any mode
F8 Decrease sound volume In any mode
F9 Increases sound volume In any mode
F10 Show menu bar in library From any mode
Shift + F10 Context menu shortcut In any mode
Alt + 1 Video Size 50% In Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
Alt + 2 Video Size 100% In Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
Alt + 3 Video Size 200% In Now Playing or skin mode, with a video playing
Alt + Enter Full Screen Toggle In Now Playing, skin, or full screen mode




favorite utils   WinRAR    7-Zip    viewing .tiff files: Microsoft Office Document Imaging      Clover Explorer extension  download      windows explorer size in bytes    handbrake burning software

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CTRL + ALT + ARROW Swaps logical top of screen to physical area of screen represented by arrow

Alex recommended EasyPartition Master Home Edition EasyUS Todo Backup FastStone look for free edition Win Patrol

Winzup 16.5
by default hidden files not added /moved into archive  Ribbon interface 
compress->include->hidden/system files must be turned on
my quick tests indicate that hidden files are added by default when ribbon interface is turned off by Options->configuration->start winzip with groupbox ->Leagcy menus/toolbar
intro & all interface help   non-ribbon interface help




Win 8 versions   2  convert fat32 to ntfs   Windows 8 mouse and keyboard actions   Win 7 Product Guide (only useful info p25-26 WMC and p32 new shortcuts) change Media Player speaker output


detailed Chrome browser settings with chrome://flags/

Windows Enviornment variables Win 7:  Control Panel->System->Advanced system settings->Advanced tab -> Enironment Variables...

Win 7 new shortcuts   
Win+B: System Tray
Shift+Right-Click on a folder: Adds Command Prompt Here & Copy as Path
Win+(+/-): Zoom in/out
Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically
Win+Home: Minimize all but the active window
Win+Left/Right arrows: Dock the window to each side of the monitor
Shift+Win+Left/Right arrows: Move the window to the monitor on the left or right.
Win+T: Focus and scroll through items on the taskbar.
Win+number (1-9): Starts the application pinned to the taskbar in that position, or switches to that program
Shift+Win+number (1-9): Starts a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.
Ctrl+Win+number (1-9): Cycles through open windows for the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.
Alt+Win+number (1-9): Opens the Jump List for the application pinned to the taskbar.

 msconfig - windows app to change start options and services    in Vista use control panel-> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off (in left pane)
gpedit.msc is the other similar one

turn on Desktop root note and folder synch in Win 7        create/remove a Windows Firewall rule    pci slot number & deprecated function    run XP virtually under Windows 7 another  [only xp ultimate, enterprise and business appear to work as the guest]     AutoRun CD does not work      using Resource Monitor in Win 7     win 7 Resource Monitor detailed memory

show "hidden" unconnected devices:

  1. Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System
  2. Advanced System Settings; Advanced tab; click Environment Variables button
  3. under 'system variables', press 'new' [makes change for all users, 'user variables' makes change only for current user]
  4. enter "DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES" under variable name, and "1" under value
  5. reboot, device manager should now show all devices.

show temporarily "hidden" unconnected devices w/o reboot:

  1. Goto c:\windows\system32, find cmd.exe, right click and choose "run as administrator"
  2. > Set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
  3. >Devmgmt.msc
  4. In the device manager window which opens click View->show hidden devices

Win + b = system tray  -or- win, esc, tab, tab for focus dashed lines         turn on Windows 7 ping returns   XP and Vista

spreadsheet showing Windows 7 Group policy settings   is it OK to delete huge winsxs subdirectory? this points to this

turn on remote desktop on non-admin acct    divider.gif    Win 7 Problem Steps Recorder tool (link is to article about the tool - it comes with Win 7)

Perfmon.exe   Process explorer    turn off autoplay in XP    extension column in XP rather than Type    Windows Explorer add ins   folder size add in    making your own add in    Turn off Mcafee Site Advisor in Chrome by Tools->Extensions->disable

get drive letters to show up first in XP explorer: 1 2 3
Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer to 4, then reboot
in Vista, set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer to 4, no reboot is needed

Explorer w folder list in xp:    Very close to this, but choose explore and not open

toggle windows startup sounds   list of shortcuts for Office and Adobe among others

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finding duplicate files utility    mfg site    old free version     office 2007 save to pdf    free voip with google voice   firefox block flashing ads     

searching in vista explorer:    search help for "Tips for finding files"   

To disable Vista automatic driver installation: Control Panel > System and Maintenance > System > Tasks (side panel) > Advanced System Settings > Hardware (tab) > Windows Update Driver Settings    or try this utility

Free up Hard Disk Space for  Windows Vista   key mapping Windows 7 / XP / Vista   determine 32 bit or 64 bit    Turn off autoplay in XP using gpedit.msc

2 Windows networking utils:     netstat /n    route PRINT      see windows vista admin account:    net user administrator /active:yes   remote access to a computer    seeing xp startup programs   

to create an icon to windows explorer, make the target  %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe

windows shortcuts    & more    remove .zips from xp search with "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" add back in with ""regsvr32 zipfldr.dll"     longhorn-like features for xp    xp desktop icons without text & title block   

.Net windows update error fix    2    Windows Live Essentials update error


Dell Studio 1555: missing PAUSE/BREAK     



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to watch DVD from .iso - open video_ts.ifo




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winzip 11.1 doesn't completely uninstall, so use 11.0

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desktop search engine review seems to indicate (the free) Yahoo! Desktop Search is the one, although only prefix searching and no support for outlook appointments, tasks or notes


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tech support news groups:    nt kernel    hard drives    embedded systems    help desk       check out:    Sony's Vegas Movie Studio 4.0


Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Fonts to see all installed
marlett = font with checkmark   
ms font typography for Calibri   
Webdings and Wingdings 1- 3 have many funky chars

❶❷❸❹❺ in excel – cabliri subset dingbats 0x2776 through 0x277A  [use insert- >symbol ] enter hex code in Character code area (by default, change “from” for ASCII decimal or ASCII Unicode)  full details here

in word:    enter the code 2776 (really 0x2776 just type 2776) through 277A(really 0x277A just type 277A) in your document, then press ALT+X to convert it into a character.   (OR go to the Insert menu on the ribbon and click Symbol at the far right)
For example, press 002A and then press ALT+X to produce *.
The reverse also works. To display the Unicode character code for a character that is already in your document, place the insertion point directly after the character and press ALT+X. full details here

this site lists (perhaps all) unicode characters

Alt + A7 = § = section character in windows
Alt + 2020 = † = dagger character   
Alt + 2713 = ✓  = check mark (Word seems to change font to MS Gothic)   ✔ 2714 is heavy check mark ✅ 2705 is white heavy checkmark (an outline of a checkmark)
Alt + 02776 = ❶
Alt + 02777 = ❷
Alt + 02778 = ❸
Alt + 02779 = ❹
Alt + 0277A = ❺
Alt + 2460 = ① circled 1  black on white
Alt + 24B6 = Ⓐ  circled A black on white
Alt + 24Do = ⓐ circled a black on white
Atl + 1F150 = ��circled A white on black     [doesn't seem to work in Chrome nor Word]

long list of unicode chars

turn off unicode in VS2005 Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Character Set   select “use Multi_Byte Character Set”

Win 7 Search Results Path

After searching in windows 7, to open a folder from the results in a new window (so you can check it out and won’t have to search again if it isn’t what you wanted) with the path of the folder rather than “Search Results in ParentFolderX->ResultsFolder” and “search-ms:displayname=Search%20Results%20in%20ParentFolderX &crumb=location:C%3A%5CblahblahParentofResultsFolder”
DO NOT RIGHT CLICK AND CHOOSE “Open in new window”. 



Win7 aero and titlebar color      WindowBlinds - Theme Windows Interface      Theme - How to Apply Custom Themes - Windows 7 Forums

Windows 8

windows 8 change computer name - Google Search
rename win8 user profile
How to keep the Windows 8.1 Modern UI out of your way
How to make Windows 8 Metro open files on the desktop
How to Configure the Windows 8 Lock Screen | Choose Settings
hide time in win 8 lockscreen
remove time and date on lock screen in windows 8.1 change language and localname from en-US to space
Windows 8 Experience Index scores


last updated:    Thu 2025-01-02 5:01 AM