
child pages:

page index:
design patterns    
language properties
Hungarian Notation
scope triangle
software architect vs software developer
stackoverflow and other sites
UML and class diagrams


preprocessor directives

when a preprocessor directive is needed in multiple .cs files and since there are no .h files in c#, preprocessor directives can be added via
project->[project name] properties->build->general->conditional compilation symbols group box->debug custom symbols (or release custom symbols) then add directive_value


writing to standard error
Console.WriteLine("Standard Error Output Stream: {0}", Console.Error);

c# string formatting

// format a string to 11 characters right justified with prepended spaces as necessary
String.Format("{0,11}", "ABCDE")

sReturnString = dSomeDoubleValue.ToString("000000000");




new style interpolated formatting
old style composite formatting

invoke a method from passed in method name

using System;
using System.Reflection;
class Example
    static void Main()
        Type t = typeof(String);         MethodInfo substr = t.GetMethod("Substring",
            new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });
        Object result =
            substr.Invoke("Hello, World!", new Object[] { 7, 5 });
        Console.WriteLine("{0} returned \"{1}\".", substr, result);
/* This code example produces the following output:
System.String Substring(Int32, Int32) returned "World".

basic file handling

sOutputFilename = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh_mm_ss_") + sOutputFilename;
FileStream fOutputFileNew = File.Open(sOutputPath + "ammended_" + sOutputFilename, FileMode.Create,FileAccess.ReadWrite);
FileStream fsFileToModify;
using (fsFileToModify = new FileStream(sOutputPath + sOutputFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
   using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fsFileToModify))
      string sOldFirstLine = sr.ReadLine();

      byte[] baTheBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sNewFirstline);


date format

sReturnDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

automatic coverter from vb to c#   
references, amongst others, the online, 1 class at a time converter at that worked well and another at that I didn't try post on returning an object shows new in the called function, not sure that .NET does it that way or not

hiding a base class constructor by using new modifier in inherited class
new public void Invoke() { }

returning multiple values from a method and another and another

.net c# help landing page

c# version history

2023-02-10 getters & setters including history


struct and enum

       public struct myStruct
             public string a;
             public string b;
             public string c;
             public double d;
             public DateTime e;

public enum enumYearTypes
     leapyear = 0,
     nonleapyear = 1

2023-01-17 nullable reference types and a post that I found showing when it was introduced which I found by googling
"when did .net introduce Nullable reference types"
2023-02-16 getting rid of the nullable warnings
double lcik the name of the project in solution explorer to open the .csproj file (or open it manually in a text editor) and add these tags
       <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">

       <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

2023-01-17 populate a Dictionary in declaration
Dictionary<string, string> dSomeIdentifier = new Dictionary<string, string>()
   { "key1", "value1"},
   { "key2", "value2"}

populate a Dictionary without .Add()
dSomeIdentifier["key3"] = "value3"

seemingly good tutorials on c# design patterns

colon meaning = inheritance, class implements an interface, c# string interpolation, constructor overloading and more

2022-12-07 inked hash map

collection of objects with lookup by int use a list
collection of objects with lookup by key use a dictionary

list vs array of structs


file handlers     reading into a string array

Design Patterns

Dot Net tutorials on c# design patterns landing page


2023-01-13 factory method design pattern at     differs from factory design pattern

language properties

software testing

mock object "simulated objects that mimic the behaviour of real objects in controlled ways, most often as part of a software testing initiative"

class invariant      

assertions "Several modern programming languages include checked assertions – statements that are checked at runtime or sometimes statically. If an assertion evaluates to false at runtime, an assertion failure results, which typically causes execution to abort. This draws attention to the location at which the logical inconsistency is detected and can be preferable to the behaviour that would otherwise result. The use of assertions helps the programmer design, develop, and reason about a program."
.Net assertions in managed code (c#, vb, f#)


compostion over inheritance

exception safety

c#      vb

A mutable value is one that can be changed without creating an entirely new value.     Immutable object "Strings and other concrete objects are typically expressed as immutable objects to improve readability and runtime efficiency in object-oriented programming. Immutable objects are also useful because they are inherently thread-safe."

side effect

2023-02-10 below are the ones i had open in wikipedia and i made entries in keep, the ones above i made links to while reading around

Programming paradigm - "a way to classify programming languages based on their features. Languages can be classified into multiple paradigms"

Anonymous type

Function overloading

list of Statically_typed_programming_languages

reflexive - can examine and modify its own structure and behavior. "Reflection is often used as part of software testing, such as for the runtime creation/instantiation of mock objects."
"In some object-oriented programming languages such as C# and Java, reflection can be used to bypass member accessibility rules. For C#-properties this can be achieved by writing directly onto the (usually invisible) backing field of a non-public property  [c.f.]   . It is also possible to find non-public methods of classes and types and manually invoke them. This works for project-internal files as well as external libraries such as .NET's assemblies and Java's archives."

access specifiers


wikipedia page    


The Highest-Paying IT Certifications for 2024


Hungarian Notation

Hungarian notation primers

Scope Triangle and Project Management

interesting ny times opinion piece (local .pdf) about the man who led development of the 747
"One of Flyvbjerg’s precepts is “Think slow, act fast.” If you plan well, that is, the execution will be swift. The phrase is a deliberate echo of “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” the title of a book by Daniel Kahneman, the psychologist who won a Nobel in economics. The two scholars are full of praise for each other; Kahneman cited Flyvbjerg in his book."

article describing scope triangle aka quality triangle


turning a wag into a swag = scientific wag

2023-01-23 i never mentioned it at work, but this is a super dangerous chainsaw jig that "works" and is "done"


Software Architect

2023-01-27 Software Developers vs Software Architects
According to Indeed, a developer earns an average base pay of $109,066 per year with a $4000 cash bonus. Salary estimates show software architects typically command $139,678 with a $10,000 cash bonus




stackoverflow and other sites c# doesn't seem to have a category by ther are a lot with c# tag




Association - solid line

structural link between two peer classes
Add arrows at either end or both ends to show that the classes are aware (or unaware) of each other.

           Dependency  - dashed line with “open triangle” =  2 line arow head at end

           special type of association
           one class might use an object of another class in the code of a method. If the object is not stored in any field, then this is modeled as a dependency relationship.
           changes to the definition of class 2  may cause changes to  class 1 (but not the other way around).
           Class1 depends on Class2
           e.g. The Person class might have a hasRead method with a Book parameter that returns true if the person has read the book


Aggregation - solid line with unfilled diamond at the end

Special type of association “part of”  e.g. class 2 is part of class 1
Association end gets the unfilled diamond  (class 1 in this example)
Aggregate end has no diamond (class 1 in this example)


                                     is a special type of Aggregation where parts are destroyed when the whole is destroyed
                                     class 2 cannot stand by itself


Inheritance –aka Generalization -  solid line with unfilled arrow at end

relationship between a more general classifier and a more specific classifier
Represents an "is-a" relationship
abstract class name is shown in italics.
SubClass1 and SubClass2 are specializations of SuperClass


Realization – aka implementation, execution -  dashed line with filled arrow at end

            a relationship between the blueprint class and the object containing its respective implementation level details



2022-01-17 XmlAttribute .NET class

2022-12-07 XML tutorial



Verification vs Validation    

defect vs error vs fault.docx

Americans Spend Over 11 Hours Per Day Consuming Media

characterization testing      software metrics    time complexity (measured in big O notation)     cyclomatic complexity    common excuses for not testing   

Process explorer    c++ interview questions    dos tricks   .xls with ip address octect bitmasks   MSDN Magazine     TechRepublic blog      Swebok v3 (2014)

declaration = just the prototype, has semicolon while definition is at the start of the function, has no semicolon and allocates memory for the function DNS information    The EU-funded ReDSeeDS project     Code contracts to increase testsability    StackOverflow Q& A forum

Programming books to read          XP emulation under Windows 7 ("XP mode"= a real WinXP OS running on Virtual PC )

File & Folder Unlocker    XP DOS Commands including TREE    tech posters   windows autohotkey macro scripting     Windows File Search Utility "Search_My_Files"

msvc c++ reference:   
visual c++ online reference    C++ Reference Guide       c++ Templates     

perl debugger: ptkdb    making a java package    

visio shapes     batch files1 2    vb code to calc business hours    java applet flicker reduction

findfirstfile   windows grep - findstr

sgi standard template libary     wav file format    eclipse java environment    cyclomatic complexity

tech support cartoon video

Ada Lovelace    mdsn testing site    softtware test and performance magazine

editor    and another    merge utility    computing OS/Browser Stats    more

unit testing with UI automation    braude web site (code samples from 518 text book)

dos batch string and date handling    reading the first line of a text file into a variable in a batch file

windows processes:  pulist - later replaced with tlist       

PsExec: telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems

Multicore programming
doesn't really work Removing _CRT_SECURE_NO_DE...
MapReduce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Introduction to GCC - Table of Contents
vc 2005 express to make win32 apps
Programming Sucks! Or At Least, It Ought To - T...
event listener Observer pattern - Wikipedia, th...
SWING: difference between panels and pane

Arbitrary-precision arithmetic   2    .net 4 class   Building the name of a function to call based on a string = an example of reflection    link to a particular .pdf page (#page=123) at end of href

Visual Basic 6.0 Default Shortcut Keys



Delayed .bat expansion: either 1) open command window wtih cmd /V to get delayed variable expansion (SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION doesn't allow calling process to get environmennt) or 2) call with %%varname%% E.G.
set DELIM=
IF EXIST %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0" (SET DELIM=;)
call set mylibs=lib1.LIB%%DELIM%%lib2.LIB

Software Design

software rot - Definitions from
Reflection (computer science) - Wikipedia, the ...
The X=X+1 Issue | Linux Magazine
ACM Testing ISSTA: ISSTA '07
Second normal form - Wikipedia, the free encycl...
The 5 Books Every IT Manager Should Read Right ...
Loose coupling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Von Neumann architecture - Wikipedia, the free ...
Software Development Times On The Web
Literate Programming
Requirements Defined - Seilevel's Software Requ...
You Ain't Gonna Need It - Wikipedia, the free e...
Anti-pattern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Engineer on a disk - main page
center for software testing education    design patterns


Safari Books Online - ACM - 032147404X - The Di...

java vm memory

java - the Java application launcher
Bug ID: 6516270 Java applet failure with IE7 di...
Deva Search
java - the Java application launcher
Bug ID: 6359309 Large setting for -Xmx param pr...
Third-party programs that require lots of memor...
Visual Studio 2008 languages and features
visual studio Brief Default Shortcut Keys
switch vs. if - C++
smallest positive double number - C
The C Book — Const and volatile
Category:C standard library - Wikipedia, the fr...
Borland Speeds Application Development With Bor...
Variable Length Arguments
x86 memory segmentation - Wikipedia, the free e...
var format specifier - Printf tricks - George V...
Type punning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Variadic macro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CodeProject: Some handy decimal functions for d...
Opaque pointer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Branch table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GCC online documentation
IEEE 754-1985 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of C functions - Wikipedia, the free encyc...
C Preprocessor Tricks
Windows Sysinternals: Documentation, downloads ...
AAA Windows Presentation Foundation - Wikipedia...
Floating point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the jargon file: hacker's dictionary Glossary
MS Visual C++ Developer Center
The C Book — Typedef
P = NP problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Algorithm Geeks | Google Groups
Coding Horror
Category:C programming language - Wikipedia, th...
IE App Compat Virtual pc HD images
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic - Wikipedia, the...
Restrict Keyword
DDD userguide
Variadic Macros -var args in macros - The C Pr...
variable number of args in C# params (C# Refere...
Stupid Coding Tricks: The T-SQL Mandelbrot - Th...
Excel Excel v Windows Calculator precision
setprecision - C++ Reference
var arg list to sub function
Project Euler
Handbook of Software Architecture- by booch = u...

Computing - General

wimax - consider investing    Digg   MTV MUSIC   The Daily WTF    Send Large Files Using Free Web Services    Slashdot    Ars Technica    My Digital Life
Multiple Monitors    Regular Expressions    Regular Expression reference       Sunbel - Malware Research Labs
linux usb Make Your Old USB Stick Into a Digita...
Joost    Color Printing Test Page    Microsoft Popfly    Download Latest CDBurnerXP v4.2.3.1110 As Alter...
128mb limit on usb root - How to Fix Error 0X80...
most popular web site for each country
HTML TUTORIAL -- Special Character Entities
Page 2 - Jargon: What the Marketer said to the ...
AAA Internet TV Remote: Quick Links to Free Str...
viewing HDTV on a monitor
DIY: DIY Stock Ticker Pumpkin is Truly Horrifying
How To: How to Burn Any Video File to a Playabl...

Computing - Privacy

Technical Details on Microsoft Product Activati...
Windows Product Activation
forcing passwords
Piracy: PC Manufacturers See Piracy As A Hidden...
Laptops: Border Agents Can Frisk Your Laptop an...
windows vista security Folder Permissions
At U.S. Borders, Laptops Have No Right to Priva...


List of IEEE Software Engineering standards     TPS Report



top - gives cpu % list [-i won't show idle] [-k brings up kill]
du -hl dirname // show sizes of subdirectories; -hs just gives summary; the h means use human readable format
df -h // shows mounted drives -h is human readable form (largest applicable units are displayed) , others are -k for kb - m for mb

ls [-t to see sorted by date] [-l show details] [-r reverse order]
/etc/fstab - file where dirves listed to permanently mount
wc [-c
bytes] [-l lines] [-m characters] [-w words] 
wc -l *.cpp  // counts lines in all cpp files in current directory
updatedb - used to rebuild the (file) locate database
&> - redirect both stderr and stdout
2> - redirect stderr only
(ls -l 2>&1) | tee file.txt // redirect with stdout and stderr in correct order details
pushd [newdir] - pushes cwd onto directory stack before changing to newdir. use popd to return
putty // used to connect to linux server - useful to start vncserver
      // run right out of download folder with ip address following e.g. ...\downloads\PUTTY.EXE x.x.x.x
vncserver :7 -geometry 1200x935 -depth 16  // starts up vnc client with display 7 - more info here
          // must edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and change the 2 lines listed in the comment; 1200x900 is ideal for 1280x1024 second display so it can be moved back to primary and still fit
          // after [uncommenting 2 lines]edit, must log out of putty session and relogin for gnome to start up in vnc window later
          // ultravnc won't allow other apps to come to top of z-order when it is maximized
          // NOTE: if getting error "X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or shutdown)" YOU ARE PROBABLY TYPING vncconfig INSTEAD OF vncserver!
vncserver -kill :7
vncconfig & - gets clipboard to work between xserver running the VNC extension on a linux box and xclient (i.e. UltraVNC) running on windows; more info
find -size 100[c = bytes] [k = KB] [M = MB]  more tips  avoid permission denied messages
find -type [d = directory] [f = file]
find -name '*.h'
find . -type  f -name '*.h' -exec grep -n -H myStr {} \;
// find all .h files in subdirs that contain myStr
            // -H shows complete path and -n line number, backslash is to escape shell and curly braces mean concatenate found filenames so grep is called only once with all filenames
            // -o would show only part that matches; -C3 will show 3 lines before each match and 3 after  -A before only –B after only;
            // -i for case insensitive; -l as in larryto show filenames only (useful for binary files)
find . -type  f -name '*.h' –print0 | xargs -0  grep -n -H myStr
// same results done this way as xargs builds and executes command lines from standard input
grep -n myStr *.h; grep -n myStr */*.h; grep -n myStr */*/*.h // quick and dirty way - just keep adding */ to go another level deeper
wall // broadcast message to all users (that have mesg permission set to yes)
shutdown -t 0 0 // shutdown now
shutdown -P 0 // shutdown & turn off power now
echo $SHELL
//displays name of current shell
ps -def // see all processes and PIDs
netstat -a // see all socket connections
uname -a // see the current kernel version & system architecture
cat /etc/redhat-release // shows the centos / fedora / rhel version number - at some point centos filename changed to /etc/centos-release
/usr/bin/evince // Linux .pdf viewer
man -t ascii | ps2pdf - > ascii.pdf  // make a pdf of a man page 
ps –p $$   // determine current shell - also see this
echo $? // shows return value of previous process (can also use >echo $status)
tail -f fname   //tail file
gdb bin/ic  //then choose   run     stop    bt   // the (bt = backtrace) generates call stack
gdb $KIBIN/diags;  (gdb) run -i OTHER  // debugging Jerry's diags
lsof -i tcp:[port#]    //check to see if an application is still using socket; returns a pid that can be passed to >ps -def |grep thePID
who // list users logged on for each display
ifconfig /all // see network adapter information [similar to ipconig -a in windows]
ifconfig eth1 down  // turn off network adapter eth1
route add gw dev eth0   // add an entry to the route table
route add default gw dev eth0  
// add a default entry to the route table
route add -net netmask
traceroute [ip address] // shows packet route
localloop  // script to loop executables and log results - located at F:\misc\programming\localloop
rm -f -r dirname // delete (remove) recursively, never prompting directory dirname
add entries to /etc/hosts if lan servers are not resolved in dns to specify ip address / name pairs manually

rdesktop [ip address] // remoted desktop into a windows box from linux
kill -l // list all signals in numerical order (to correlate number to constant)
ldd // checks for libraries .exe uses

env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH used in .exe link that requires dynamic libraries not in standard locations
ELF = Executable and Linking Format

information on /etc/sysconfig including the network adapter configuration files

Use shift + page up to page up in a linux console window
Use ctrl + alt +left arrow and ctrl + alt +right arrow to switch between destops in linux.

VNC client: Turn on scroll lock to send key commands to remote computer (e.g alt + tab go to next app in linux workspace)
VNC client: Pressing PrntScrn key requests a full screenupdate (same as selecting "Request Screen Refresh" from the system menu)
VNC client: This page has the new icons (as of ver displayed and what they do

[With remote desktop into Windows box, to swap alt + tab to local apps rather than within remote, get out of full screen mode (press <ctrl> + <alt> + pause if necessary)]
then alt + tab like normal

list of common Unix utilities    determine CentOS / RHOS version   Command matching w/Tab at command prompt   2

root password workaround: boot directly into the shell and reset the root password, aka the init=/bin/sh trick   1   2   3

tiling windows in gnome / xwindows   

putty client with ssh and starting up gnome desktop
in putty, must turn on x11 forwarding (can only do it from putty.exe without ip address argument)
[ in your putty shortcut, you must remove the ip address argument you are passing. if you don't remove argument, you don't get same configuration settings]
after connected, start gnome in putty window with "/etc/gdm/Xsession default"
Q: Can x11 be enabled in putty by reconfiguring the settings or only form the command line?
A: You can do it in the gui, but not if you are passing an ip address as an argument to putty
Q: Is there a port number for x11?
A: No. In Connection->SSH->X11, check "Enable X11 forwarding" and enter your windows ip in "X disiplay location". choose XMD... radio button
settings for xming i used are "start no client" & "no access control" - don't know if required or works with other settings too

Jenkins = daemon used to launch linux project rebuilds

To avoid wait after killing app for sockets to close because they are in a  TIME_WAIT state.  Do the following command on your workstation and this problem goes away.
As 'root' user:
# cd /proc/sys/net/ipv4
# echo 1 > tcp_tw_recycle

virtual box shared clipboard

Making A 4200 [Windows XP] share and mapping to it in linux [CentOS 5.5]

1) share the drive/directory in windows
2) check to make sure the share is visible with
>smbclient -L 4200SCS-0983544 -U kiadmin
3) make the mount point
>mkdir /mnt/monte_carlo
4) mount it with cifs
> mount -t cifs -o username=kiadmin,password=[password] // /mnt/monte_carlo

on another windows machine, map the drive letter as \\\monte_carlo


c++ notes
g++ compiler implementation stops reading chars at a space, so use cin.getline(szString, iNumCharsToRead) to get strings with spaces.
-s = gcc flag for silent compile (only show errors, not compile command)

java packages notes

 to make the package, just follow the procedure in his [Dr. Yoo's] slides. there is one problem though. for some of the compiles, you need to have


 before the path. so if you are making edu.gannon.MyPackage and you are going to put in on your c drive, the CLASSPATH environment variable must be

 .;c:\edu\gannon\MyPackage;<path of library sub-directory created when you installed java>

 and you must create the directory on the c drive before you compile.


 when you go to run it, you have to remove the


 from the path, so CLASSPATH should be

 c:\edu\gannon\MyPackage;<path library sub-directory created when you installed java>


 remember that the dos boxes don't update the enviroment variables when you change them in windows 2000, so you have to close them and open them again.

visio shapes

double line:
choose file->stencils->forms & charts->forms shapes
there are double lines on the 5th row

findfirstfile findnextfile;en-us;835601 nt file copy error

The order in which this function returns the file names is dependent on the file system type. With the NTFS file system and CDFS file systems, the names are returned in alphabetical order. With FAT file systems, the names are returned in the order the files were written to the disk, which may or may not be in alphabetical order.

Not all file systems can record creation and last access time, and not all file systems record them in the same manner. For example, on a Windows NT FAT file system, create time has a resolution of 10 milliseconds, write time has a resolution of 2 seconds, and access time has a resolution of 1 day (really, the access date). On the NTFS file system, access time has a resolution of 1 hour. For more information, see File Times </library/en-us/sysinfo/base/file_times.asp>.

example code



Tip of the week: Easy Thumbnails [from DevSource]

When working with bitmap images it is common to want to create thumbnails, small versions of the images that are easy to display and view. The .Net Framework's Image class, and the derived Bitmap class, provide a method for just this task.


LADY ADA LOVELACE, daughter of British poet Lard Byron

Invention: Computer programming

Background: The forerunner of modem computers-called the "analytical engine"-was the brainchild of a mathematical engineer named George Babbage. In 1834 Babbage met Lady Lovelace, and the two formed a partnership, working together on the engine's prototype. In the process, Lovelace created the first programming method, which used punch cards. Unfortunately, tools available to Babbage and Lovelace in the mid-1800s weren't sophisticated enough to complete the machine (though it worked in theory). Lovelace spent the rest of her life studying cybernetics.

reading the first line of a text file into a variable in a batch file

To get the first line of a text file into a variable under DOS 6.22 see FAQ #25 at

@echo off
if "%1"=="GoTo" goto %2

echo `h}aXP5y`P]4nP_XW(F4(F6(F=(FF)FH(FL(Fe(FR0FTs*}`A?+,> %temp%.\
echo fkOU):G*@Crv,*t$HU[rlf~#IubfRfXf(V#fj}fX4{PY$@fPfZsZ$:KrM$>> %temp%.\
echo 00rqdO1iI$W?DAj{?_@EuF)1F8b1j$MC?Be.]tI:PAJrff764F0T'}$$5]>> %temp%.\
echo 7$MG{Fdl$@i*JtSA$$5d80rL@bB=i{A$'FJDbqJ2Djw}D{1~Eu6=?rV+5l>> %temp%.\
echo YzHw8TKc3O}@A$$$)$#>> %temp%.\
:: filename.ext is the file to be processed
%temp%.\ < filename.ext > %temp%.\t1.bat
set P=call %0 GoTo process
:: Set below the variable name where the string should be saved
call %temp%.\t1.bat LINE
set P=
del %temp%.\t1.bat
goto eof

:: On this label, each line from the file to be processed will be
:: once represented by a variable (its name is defined above)
echo LINE=%LINE%
goto eof


Programming books to read

“The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master,” Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
“Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction,” Steve McConnell
“Dreaming in Code,” Scott Rosenberg
“The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering,” Frederick P. Brooks
“Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think,” Andy Oram
“The Future of Ideas,” Lawrence Lessig - already downloaded from here
“On Intelligence,” Jeff Hawkins
“A Brief History of Time,” Stephen Hawking
“Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age,” Paul Graham
“The Evolution of Useful Things,” Henry Petroski ***** SEEMS PARTICULARLY INTERESTING
“Getting Things Done,” David Allen
“In the Beginning Was the Command Line”- already downloaded from here
"Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides (the Gang of Four)
The Art of Programming by Knuth The Old New Thing: Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows (9780321440303): Raymond Chen: Books


vim cheatsheet     local vi cheatsheet     vi notes     Mastering the VI editor

vi intro    vi reference    vi cheat sheet   

[count] command [where]
a - enter edit mode
i - enter insert mode
d^ - delete from current position to line start
d$ - delete from current position to line end
dw - delete from current position to word end
<del> or x - delete [count] characters under and after the cursor
y - copy
["x]p - put the text [from register x] after the cursor [count] times (paste)


C / C++

Template classes - used to implement genericity - "type to be determined later" classes (e.g. vectors)       

correct name for "getter and setter" methods is "Accessor Methods" and "setters" specificially are "mutators"      

coupling (aka dependency) is amount module depends on other modules, so want low; cohesion is how strongly related functionality within a module is, so want high

floating point rounding (e.g. 100 * 1.0e-6 != 100e-6 on x86)    info   2   3   4 - very good, c.f. .17 & .18            Printing floating-point numbers in C using "engineering notation" and SI prefixes



returning a variable's name as a string      C++ Simple Reflection without Macros: Print Variable Name and Its Value - Stack Overflow



C# programming guide    C# keywords    .Net 4 collections      C# Programming Guide   C# Keywords

****** READ THIS ONE ->  generics left off at Generics and the .NET Framework apx 2012-05-16 ******

Visual Studio

MSDN Library   cheatsheet    MVC    missing Brief emulation   vs10 common io tasks  convert System::String * to char *   convert c++ String to System::String    Directory.GetFiles   trial versions

c# outline tool   reading pixels from the screen in C#   C# paths   Scientific Notation with printf    timing in Windows w / millisecond granularity    new in 2010

free Microsoft web development tools   limit win app to one instance using mutex example     use curly braces to tag text for regular expression replacement (codewright uses parens)

parallel programming in .net    upgrading visual studio 2010 to use windows 7 sdk    MFC Class Library Overview      Alphabetical Function Reference   

2014-11-12 .Net going open source and cross-platform

c# - when getting error with message box, probably not calling .Show method  System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("x");

tab settings - Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Tabs set to Block for style I prefer with curly brace on line below statement

No intellisense for Visual C++ 2010: when the CLR = Common Language Runtime Support is enabled, Intellisence will not work.  This differs from 2008 where it did work and apparently Microsoft has no plans to add it to 2010.  You will see at the bottom left of the window “IntelliSense: ‘Unavailable for C++/CLI” (CLI is generic CLR) when this is the case. If you aren’t using .Net stuff and want Intellisense, go to Project->properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General and select “No Common Language Runtime Support” for the “Common Language Runtime Support” category.    More info (see comment 2) and another

2005 redistributable files for console app are found in this directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\. It appears that only these 2 are needed: Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest & msvcr80.dll and they can be located in the same directory as the .exe or in a subdir called Microsoft.VC80.CRT

use Dependency Walker (depends.exe) to see depedent libs -     

 to see the symbols in a Win32 import lib or dll
>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 express\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat
>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\binvcvars32.bat
>DUMPBIN /SYMBOLS libname.lib     // for a lib - linux equivalent is ldd
>DUMPBIN /EXPORTS dllname.dll  // for a dll

Adding comments to .rc so not overwritten by resource editor   VB6 - pause application with modal dialog into debugger with CTRL + break

2010 hotkeys - full list
CTRL+M,L toggle all outlining
CTRL+M,M toggle current selection outlining
CTRL+] brace kiss
SHIFT + ALT + <ARROW> column select (also ALT + mouse select)

delete word to right

SHIFT + DEL delete current line

decent list of guidelines, conventions and debugging tips     #pragma warning( disable: 4996 ) /* cheat to bypass annoying warning message */ 

c# to turn off annoying * at beginning of newline of comment: Text Editor > C# > Advanced > Generate XML documentation comments for ///

turn off unicode in VS2005     Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Character Set   select “use Multi_Byte Character Set”

VS2012 help content   

Using VS to open files in Hex viewer:  1. File>>Open>>File 2. On the open file dialog at the bottom there is a down arrow on the "Open" button 3. Click "Open With" 4. Click "Binary Editor" 5. Click OK


to create a directory in the depot, create the directory in the appropriate location in your workspace, then add and submit the files. the depot directory will be automatically created.

Windows Programming

Windows 7 & XP User Experience Interaction Guidelines    local   Progress Bars   VERSIONINFO Resource    Unload DLL from the another process     The covert way to find the Reference Count of DLL    Application Verifier to verify unmanaged [c++] code     Walkthrough: Creating and Using a Dynamic Link Library (C++)     change z-order in mfc at design time       how to wait until all process in a job have exited

recursive dir searches

Page 2 - Recursive Directory Searches in C# (Part 1)   DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories Method (System.IO)   DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories Method (String)   


to prevent .html text from wrapping (as it often does with Chrome for Android), encase the text with a <div> </div> pair with a significantly large width parameter
<div class="Section1" style="width: 2500;">
unwrapped text here

to get rid of space before or after a page type, use the cascading style sheet tag in the HEAD section of the page




problem with variable definitions in header files   

IEEE 829 and other standards can be found at F:\misc\programming\ieee 829 and other standards

bin files such as addpath and findpath can be found at F:\misc\programming\bin


flip flops    counters   

Verification vs Validation


The distinction between the two terms is largely due to the role of specifications. Validation is the process of checking whether the specification captures the customer’s requirements, while verification is the process of checking that the software meets specifications.
Verification includes all the activities associated with the producing high quality software. It is a relatively objective process in that no subjective judgement should be needed in order to verify software.
In contrast, validation is an extremely subjective process. It involves making subjective assessments of how well the (proposed) system addresses a real-world need. Validation includes activities such as requirements modelling, prototyping and user evaluation

---------------------------------------- testing has three main purposes:

Verification - The verification process confirms that the software meets its technical specifications. A specification is a description of a function in terms of a measurable output value given a specific input value under specific preconditions. A simple specification may be along the line of a SQL query retrieving data for a single account against the multi-month account-summary table must return these eight fields <list> ordered by month within 3 seconds of submission.
Validation - The validation process confirms that the software meets the business requirements. A simple example of a business requirement is after choosing a branch office name, information about the branch’s customer account managers will appear in a new window. The window will present manager identification and summary information about each manager’s customer base: <list of data elements>. Other requirements provide details on how the data will be summarized, formatted and displayed.
Defect Finding - A defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defect’s ultimate source may be traced to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or development (coding) phases.

last updated:    Tue 2023-12-12 8:56 AM