crystal Christmas Trees Stuff I'd like to have Dept 56 my 2016-02 contacts
upc x1668 towels are smaller 30x60 = 1800 sq in
upc x4104 towel is larger 33x68 = 2244 sq in (just under 25% larger than the small one)
wake robin kitchen cabinets: seems to me they are made from birch; nearly confirmed by found note on cabinetmaker card "for perhaps birch table"
parking brake for ditchwitch is ENGAGED when handle is pulled back (straight up) and is DISENGAGED when it is towards the front (down)
2017-02-27 Left off Mark Twain The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County book on Disc 2 track 18. Missed much of disc 1 because player was on random.
Gedore slogging wrench (aka slogging spanner)
Waterford Merrill
Reed & Barton (Slovenia) Soho Double Old Fashioned glasses
2014-12-30 we almost always get Frasier Fir, but Balsam Fir might be good choice as it apparently has the most scent
Gerster & Sons wood tool chests
A Day at the Cabin
Apple Valley school
Dairy Delivery Sleigh
Decorating with Holiday Greenery
Dirty Owl, The
Family Winter Outing
Good Day, Reverend
Harper's Farm
Holly Split Rail Fence
Laurel Hill Church
Milking the cow
Millcreek Crossing
Moggin Falls General Store
Pennyfarthing Pedaling
Postal Pick-up
Salem's Farm
Sleigh Ride
Steen's Maple House
The Perfect Tree
The Woodworker
Thomas T. Julian's house
To a good day's fishing
Town Tree
Trinity Lodge
Under the Mistletoe
Village cats and dogs
Village landscape
Wildlife animals – small
Winter Pine trees'
Woodshed and Chopping Block
last updated: Mon 2023-03-20 4:53 PM