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wikiHow to Make a Greeting Card Envelope
Using regular paper and rubber glue, you can make your own envelopes in almost any size. It's easy - even kids 5 and up can do this (with supervision) - and it's the perfect way to send a handmade card.
1Lay your card on a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Center it horizontally on the paper but a little low. If you don't have a card already, just mark the paper where you want your card to be.
2Fold the sides of the paper inwards. Leave a little room so the envelope will be a little larger than the card.
- Press firmly on the edge of each fold so it lays down flat.
3Do the same with the top and the bottom (remembering to leave a little wiggle room).
4Now flatten out the paper and remove the card.
5Snip off the corners. Make a cut slightly larger than 90 degrees.
- One corner snipped off.
6Do this for all four corners.
7Check that the card will fit inside just nicely (always best to check this before you glue).
8Put just a little dab of glue at the bottom of each side piece. Then fold the bottom up and press down (this glues the bottom piece on to the sides).
9Measure and cut a new piece of paper slightly smaller than your envelope. This will be the back piece.
10Glue carefully along the sides and bottom of the envelope, then place the back piece on and press down gently.
11There you have it - the finished envelope! Put the card inside, then glue the top of the envelope closed.
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New! Make a stranger's day. Answer a question.
What is an easy way for kids to make an envelope?wikiHow ContributorIf you fold a paper in half hamburger style, then secure the sides with glue or tape, keeping the top open, you can put the item inside and then fold a flap with the excess paper to close it. Seal with tape, glue, or a sticker.
Can I use tape instead of glue?wikiHow ContributorYes, you can!
How do I make different envelopes?wikiHow ContributorSee the wikiHow article on how to make an envelope for details.
Can I use a piece of A4 paper for this?wikiHow ContributorYes, A4 paper would be fine.
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- You can print on your paper, custom patterns (like scans of kid's artwork, hearts, flowers, words, etc.) for an extra personal touch.
- You should use rubber glue or tape. Anything else makes the paper all wrinkly.
- Have a clean space with a flat surface to work on.
- This is a fun activity you can enjoy with your kids!
- Remember, this may be hard for some children, so always get a parent to help you.
- You can work with friends.
Things You'll Need
- Rubber glue - Elmers sell a good size bottle for around $6 including a handy brush inside the cap.
- Brush (if one is not included with the glue)
- Plain old 20# paper (almost any will do, but lighter paper is easier to handle)
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Pencil and eraser
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Categories: Featured Articles | Making Envelopes | Homemade Cards
In other languages:
Español: hacer un sobre para una tarjeta de felicitación, Deutsch: Einen Umschlag für eine Grußkarte herstellen, Português: Fazer um Envelope para Cartão, Italiano: Creare una Busta per un Biglietto di Auguri, Русский: сделать конверт для открытки
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