child pages:

page index:
Insert Tags (including <code>)
Insert Images by drag and drop
Insert multiple images at once   
remote ftp
site creation to automatically update links

Dreamweaver online help     

hotkeys list  ctrl + doulble click to follow link        

F12 to preview in Chrome = File->Preview in Browser->Chrome

ctrl + L to make link        
ctrl + shfit + L to remove link     
Ctrl-Shift-P   Paragraph   

properites link edit box focus

Ctrl + F3 hide properites
Ctrl + F3 show properties
alt+L twice to give Link edit box focus (first time gives focus to Format for some reason)

Edit->Preferences->Invisibles to show named anchors, line breaks, etc.

key to using the drag and drop links is to drag the target into the F8 window's line showing the file of interest
drag and drop links
using the

described at To Create a Relative Link Using Point to File






F8 to show Files tab

<ctrl> + <shift> + space = multiple spaces in Design view 

Link to anchor: in Link field put #anchorname

dreamweaver ftp

remove spacing after heading2 before following paragraph to remove from ENTIRE PAGE:  put
<style> p{margin-top:0}</style> <style> h2{margin-bottom:0}</style>
before </HEAD>
Note:  can be used as inline style if desired as well for specific instances

alternately, at same location
<style type="text/css">
p {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; /*top,right,bottom,left */
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; /*top,right,bottom,left */

adding rules (horizontal lines) between text and other formatting: if not concerned about formatting it, choose "Insert" in right pane, then select "Horizontal Rule"; [don't know why it isn't in the Insert menu]

CS5 keyboard shortcuts    F4 to turn off panels

write extension to change text case


Insert Tags (including <code>)

<code> is for source code in monospaced font
<mark> is for highlighting text in yellow (I think it doesn't appear in any of the Insert Tags in Dreamweaver)
other text formatting tags at w3schools.com

Insert Images by drag and drop

Can drop images from Windows Explorer into the page while in Design view
Can not drop images from F8 Files window. Apparently that is only for the target link maker.


Insert multiple images at once

best answer: Drop multiples from Windows Explorer


Window->Assets, drag and drop files of interest into the .html page, but hard to find that way (and I think only 1 at a time?)

Dragging from F8 file picker will only add one at a time even if multiples are dropped.


2023-01-07 this may be the most useful, but first, set the default directory by selecting menu Site->Manage Site

then open the Word document and copy paste to avoid failure due to macro permissions
do a search and replace on the path of the file in the image tags
old workaround: create a word document, import all the photos at one time, save the word document. now use file->import in dreamweaver to select the word document


i though these links would help, but they are for clicking a thumbnail and seeing a larger version

Commands->Create Web Photo Album SEEMS TO BE FOR NEWER VERSIONS


Remote FTP Setup



Site Creation

If dreamweaver has a site open rather than just a standalone .html page, links are automatically updated when elements move

checking links    which I used to prompt for site creation for an existing set of .html files

managing files and folders - need to create dreamweaver site first




last updated:    Thu 2025-01-02 4:39 AM