Linux shares & VMware

VMwareHostD Agent Crashing Fix    VMware installation permissions issues

make sure firewalls are turned off - both windows and MCAFEE [don't think I have to do this, but maybe]

mount -t smbfs -o username=rbambauer,password=[windows password] // ~/rbtest

NOTE: to get the correct IP address, in the Red Hat menu, choose System Settings->Network then select the DNS tab and use the IP address listed on the Primary DNS line

Seeing a Windows share in Linux:


2)      Make a directoy for the mountpoint:
mkdir /mnt/<name-of-mount-point>

3)  Mount the share:
mount -t cifs -o username=<username>,password=<password> //<win-box IP ADDRESS>/<share> /mnt/<name-of-mountpoint>
>mkdir /rbshare
>chmod 777 /rbshare
>mount -t cifs -o username=rbambauer,password=[win password] // / /rbtemp

Note:  use even though windows shows ip addresses and with ipconfig
Note 2:  prior to Fedora Core 5, had been "-t smbfs", but smbfs is no longer supported

Note: The syntax -username=<username>,password=<password> saves the password.
Note2:  Drop the ,password= part and it will prompt you for it.

4)      Create a symbolic link to the mounted drive: ln -s /mnt/<name-of-mount-point> /<path-of-symlink>

5)       c.f.


connecting linux to linux

1)      On the server, make sure smb is running by going to System menu->Server Settings->Services (in RHEL 5) or Applications menu->System Settings->Server Settings->Services (in RHEL 4).  Select smb in the leftmost pane and click restart if you want to make sure.

2)      go to System menu->Server Settings->Samba (in RHEL 5) or Applications menu->System Settings->Server Settings->Samba (in RHEL 4)

3)      Click Add Share

4)      Select the directory you wish to share, and give it the name SHARENAME. Optionally, give a description.  Mark it as Visible and optionally Writeable.  On the Access tab, select "Allow access to everyone".  Click OK.

5)      On the client machine, su to root

6)      Enter the command
>mount //servername/SHARENAME /mountpoint

7)      When prompted for Password, just press enter (NOTE: for some reason, this doesn't work on badland's shares) to connect as guest.

8)      Hopefully you will see "Anonymous login successful" message and the share is created.

9)      If this didn't work, it may be System->Preferences->Personal File Sharing (RHEL 5) needs to be turned on?


To connect to that Linux share from Windows:

1)      Follow steps above.

2)      Create the samba password on the linux server (c.f.
# cat /etc/passwd | /usr/bin/ > /etc/samba/smbpasswd

3)      Then add your users:
# smbpasswd someusername
enter and reenter password when prompted.

4)      In windows, connect to the share as \\servername's IP ADDRESS\SHARENAME and enter the passwords selected in step 3.


In Linux, to see the smb shares available on a server

1)      >smbclient -L SERVERNAME
When prompted for password, just press Enter.

2)      > smbclient -L SERVERNAME -U USERNAME
if anonymous doesn't work


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vmware drive share

» Share files/folders from Windows to Linux on ...
smbmount(8): mount smbfs filesystem - Linux man...
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VMware installation permissions issues

https://rick-newpc:8333/ui/    starts console

add virtual machine to inventory
turned on some intranet security 
in virtual machines tab, added my machine to the inventory
tried to run it and it quit at 95%
restarted laptop

went to the console and ran vmware-win32-x86.exe
required restarting ie, after i did, nothing came up in vmware infrastructure web access window
restarted windows again

added https://rick-newpc to the trusted sites list
turned off popup blocker
restarted IE
console window opened with my virtual machine
tried to create the share in windows and windows explorer crashed 

when making the share, use the share under the properties rather than the root level context share menu

VMwareHostD Agent Crashing Fix

VMwareHostD isn’t running, so I started services.msc and tried to start it, but I get this:


Went to event view and found…

The VMware Host Agent service terminated with service-specific error 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF).”

Found this article
which led me to check C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Server\hostd\datastores.xml
I found it was all Nulls, so I copied datastores.xml.default to datastores.xml and was able to then start VMware Host Agent manually using Services.msc and it didn’t crash.  (It kept running.)



last updated:    2010-02-08 at 12:35:58 PM