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Cleveland Select Pear tree
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Cleveland Select Pear Tree (aka Callery Pear)

2023-01-18 about why the Bradford pear (a Callery variety) specifically and Callery Pears in general are now banned in Ohio

SF Gate article on pros and cons

Scientific Name Pyrus calleryana



can never remember if it is the Pokeberry or Hackberry or neither that was discussed at Parks dept walk at rte 44 park

pinks: Dianthus plumarius    dianthus more generally

How to Kill Weeds With Vinegar - Backyard Boss

Why You Should Top Dress Your Lawn   
Generally, you can apply ½ inch of compost layer over your lawn. You will need ¾ cubic yards of compost for 1,000 square feet. 

lawn leveler drag I could weld my own
hand version     version to pull behind motorized vehicle

cheap spray that gets rid of ivy quickly using kitchen stuff


2022-04-2x ruby falls  $349  make hole 16" deep 40" wide per 60ish year old guy at Leuty's

Guy at Lowe's said sprinkle 2 handfuls of product into mix 50% topsoil and 50% compost that is used to backfill



last updated:    Wed 2024-03-20 10:05 AM